E. KENNEDY____________________________
NOVEMBER 11, 2006
DAMKINA A Wisdom Archive on Damkina
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damkina, Ninhursag » Page 1 « Page 2 Page 3 More » ARTICLES RELATED TO Damkina
Damkina: Spiritual
- Theosophy Dictionary on Damkina
Damkina (Chaldean, Babylonian) Sometimes Davkina. Consort of Ea or Hea, god of the
watery regions, partaking of Ea's characteristics, hence named Damgal-nunna (great lady of the waters), likewise Nin-Ki (lady
of that which is below, i.e., the watery deeps or underworld). Mother of Marduk (or Merodach).
(See also:
Damkina , Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary, Occultism, Occultism Dictionary)
Damkina: Spiritual - Theosophy
Dictionary on Ana
Ana (Chaldean) The invisible heaven; the astral light, the heavenly mother of the terrestrial sea.
One of the triad comprising the goddesses Ana, Belita, and Damkina. As mother of the sea, a likely origin of the Christian
symbology of the Virgin Mary standing on the crescent moon and of her connection with the sea. "Anna (the name of the Mother
of the Virgin Mary) . . . is derived from the Chaldean Ana" (SD 1:91).
In the Hindu pantheon a cognate is
Annapurna (a name of Devi-Durga, wife of Siva), meaning "full of food" -- the fecund mother, the "Astral Light in one of its
multitudinous aspects" (SD 1:92).
(See also: Ana , Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary,
Occultism, Occultism Dictionary)
Damkina: Spiritual - Theosophy Dictionary on Ea, Hea
Ea or Hea
(Akkadian, Chaldean) (from house + water)
One of the three chief gods of the Chaldaeo- or Assyro-Babylonian
celestial triad of Anu, Bel, and Ea. In the division of the universe into heaven, earth, and water, Ea is king of the watery
deeps (Shar Apsi); also Lord of that which is below (En-Ki).
Ea is figured as a man covered with the body
of a fish, thus resembling Oannes and Dagon. Marodach and Marduk are also aspects of this same deity. His consort is Damkina
(lady of that which is below) or Damgal-nunna (great lady of the waters). Ea is called the god of wisdom, and one of his titles,
the Sublime Fish, points directly to his cosmic aspect as the ever-living spirit of and bearer of consciousness in the spatial
"The waters are a symbol of wisdom and of occult learning. Hermes represented the sacred Science under
the symbol of fire; the Northern Initiates, under that of water" (SD 2:495n).
(See also: Ea, Hea , Mysticism,
Mysticism Dictionary, Occultism, Occultism Dictionary)
Damkina: Mysticism Magick Dictionary on MARDUK
The head of the Babylonian pantheon, God of the spring sun, and God of the Magician. He is the "Bel"
of the O.T., son of El and Damkina. He was the first champion of the Gods in their fight against Tiamat. Marduk in Chaldaea
was the equivalent of Jupiter.
(See also: MARDUK , Magick, Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary, Body Mind
and Soul,)
Damkina: Spiritual - Theosophy Dictionary on Davikina, Davkina
Davikina, Davkina. See
(See also: Davikina, Davkina , Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary, Occultism, Occultism Dictionary)
Encyclopedia - Ninhursag
4 primary: An Enlil Ki Enki 3 sky: Ishtar Sin Sama In Sumerian mythology, Ninhursag (or Ki)
was the earth and mother-goddess she usually appears as the sister of Enlil. Ninhursag means 'Lady of the Foothills'. She
had many other names: Nintur 'Lady Birth', Ninmah 'Lady August', Dingirmah, Aruru, and ...
Read more here: » Ninhursag:
Encyclopedia - Ninhursag
Damkina: Encyclopedia - Babylonian and Assyrian religion
Babylonian and Assyrian
religion was a series of belief systems in places in the early civilisations of the Euphrates valley. This article examines
the period of c. 3500 BCE to c. 300 CE. The development of the religion of Babylonia was important in the history of the people
who practiced it, and in many ways was a direct reflection of developments in their society. Babylonian and Assyrian religion
- The impact of Hammurabi. Leaving aside the primitive phases of the religion as lying beyond historical inves ... Including:
* Babylonian and Assyrian religion - The impact of Hammurabi o Babylonian and Assyrian religion - The old regional
gods o Babylonian and Assyrian religion - The rise of Marduk * Babylonian and Assyrian religion - The cult of Anu
* Babylonian and Assyrian religion - The triads * Babylonian and Assyrian religion - The rivalry between Assur and
Marduk * Babylonian and Assyrian religion - Chronology * Babylonian and Assyrian religion - Astral theology *
Babylonian and Assyrian religion - Religious practice and rituals * Babylonian and Assyrian religion - Ethics * Babylonian
and Assyrian religion - Later influence
Read more here: » Babylonian and Assyrian religion: Encyclopedia - Babylonian
and Assyrian religion
Damkina: Encyclopedia - Enki
4 primary: An Enlil Ki Enki 3 sky: Ishtar Sin Sama Enki
was a deity in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. The name Ea is of Sumerian origin and was written
by means of two signs signifying "house" and "water". Enki was the deity of water, intelligence and creation. The main temple
of Enki was the so-called é-eng ... Including:
* Enki - References in popular culture
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» Enki: Encyclopedia - Enki » Page 1 « Page 2 Page 3 More »
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NOVEMBER 17, 2006
Mother and Queen
‘Enki and Ninhursag’ is perhaps one of the most difficult Mesopotamian myth for
Judeo-Christian Westerners to understand, because it stands as the opposite of the myth of Adam and Eve in Paradise found
in the Old Testament Bible. Indeed, ‘ the literature created by the Sumerians left its deep imprint on the Hebrews,
and one of the thrilling aspects of reconstructing and translating Sumerian belles-lettres consists in tracing resemblances
and parallels between Sumerian and Biblical motifs. To be sure, Sumerians could not have influenced the Hebrews directly,
for they had ceased to exist long before the Hebrew people came into existence. But there is little doubt that the Sumerians
deeply influenced the Canaanites, who preceded the Hebrews in the land later known as Palestine’ (Kramer, 1981:142).
Some comparisons with the Bible paradise story: 1) the idea of a divine paradise, the garden of gods, is of Sumerian origin,
and it was Dilmun, the land of immortals situated in southwestern Persia. It is the same Dilmun that, later, the Babylonians,
the Semitic people who conquered the Sumerians, located their home of the immortals. There is a good indication that the Biblical
paradise, which is described as a garden planted eastward in Eden, from whose waters flow the four world rivers including
the Tigris and the Euphrates, may have been originally identical with Dilmun; 2) the watering of Dilmun by Enki and the Sun
god Utu with fresh water brought up from the earth is suggestive of the Biblical ‘ But there went up a mist from the
earth and watered the whole face of the ground’ (Genesis 2:6); 3) the birth of goddesses without pain or travail illuminates
the background of the curse against Eve that it shall be her lot to conceive and bear children in sorrow; 4) Enki’s
greed to eat the eight sacred plants which gave birth to the Vegetal World resonates the eating of the Forbidden Fruit by
Adam and Eve, and 6) most remarkably, this myth provides na explanation for one of the most puzzling motifs in the Biblical
paradise story - the famous passage describing the fashioning of Eve, the mother of all living, from the rib of Adam. Why
a rib instead of another organ to fashion the woman whose name Eve means according to the Bible, ‘she who makes live’?
If we look at the Sumerian myth, we see that when Enki gets ill, cursed by Ninhursag, one of his body parts that start dying
is the rib. The Sumerian word for rib is ‘ti’ . To heal each o Enki’s dying body parts, Ninhursag gives
birth to eight goddesses. The goddess created for the healing of Enki’s rib is called ‘Nin-ti’, ‘the
lady of the rib’. But the Sumerian word ‘ti’ also means ‘to make live’. The name ‘Nin-ti’
may therefore mean ‘the lady who makes live’ as well as ‘the lady of the rib’. Thus, a very ancient
literary pun was carried over and perpetuated in the Bible, but without its original meaning, because the Hebrew word for
‘rib’ and that for ‘who makes live’ have nothing in common. Moreover, it is Ninhursag who gives her
life essence to heal Enki, who is then reborn from her (Kramer, 1981:143-144).
Stone Tablet
For Adapa, my
favorite experience of Enki, in deepest appreciation and respect
After Time had come into being and the holy seasons
for growth and rest were finally known, Dilmun, the pure clean and bright land of the living, the garden of the Great Gods
and Earthly paradise, located eastward in Eden, was the place where Ninhursag-Ki, the Earth Mother, Most Exalted Lady and
Supreme Queen, could be found. There she lived for a season during the Wheel of the Year, when the Earth lay deep in slumber
before the onset of Spring, in the land that knew neither sickness nor death or old age, where the raven uttered no cry, where
lions and wolves killed not, and unknown were the sorrows of widowhood or the wailing of the sick. And it was in Dilmun, at
that time that Enki, the wise god of Magic and the Sweet Waters, the Patron of Crafts and Skills, met, fell in love and lied
with the Lady of the Stony Earth, Ninhursag-Ki.
The Earth Mother’s kiss did change the carefree and sexy Sweet
Waters Lord: Ninhursag had wholly captivated him through the most profound of all bonds, the thread of enchantment and passion
called Love. So profound the feeling was that the God of Sweet Waters, Magic and Crafts proposed to Ninhursag, with the enthusiasm
of a young lover’s heart.
Ninhursag looked around the land, her stony body, and remembered the taste of the
wondrous moisture of the Sweet Waters God within herself. She wondered whether the land should not feel the same loving touch
without. She said then to Enki:
‘I heard your heart speak, Enki dearest. But if I feel your wondrous moisture
within me, I look at the earth of Dilmun, also my body, and feel its longing for the gifts that you, dear heart, for sure
can bring. Thus I ask you: what is a land, what is a city that has no river quay? A city that has no ponds of sweet water?’
Taken by surprise, Enki realized that indeed he had given his whole essence to the beloved, but forgotten to look
after her Earthly Body, the land. He then rose to the challenge of providing water for the land with aplomb. He replied:
Dilmun, the land of my lady’s heart, I will create long waterways, rivers and canals, whereby water will flow to quench
the thirst of all beings and bring abundance to all that lives’
Enki then summoned Utu, the Sun God and Light
of the Day. Together, they brought a mist from the depths of the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. Then Enki
and Utu created waterways to surround the land with a never-ending source of fertile Sweet Waters, and Enki also devised basins
and cisterns to store the waters for further needs. From these fertile sweet waters flow the four Great Rivers of the Ancient
World, including the Tigris and the Euphrates. Thus, from that moment on, Dilmun was blessed by Enki with everlasting agricultural
and trade superiority, for through its waterways and quays, fruits and grains were sold and exchanged by the people of Dilmun
and beyond.
Ninhursag rejoiced in Enki’s mighty prowess and said to him:
‘Beloved, the powerful
touch of your sweet waters, the essence of Mother Nammu that lies deep within you, transformed the land, my stony body. I
feel the power of life throbbing within to be revealed without upon my surface as I give joyously birth and sustenance to
the marshes and reed-beds, that from now on will shelter fish, plant, beasts and all that breathes. Thus I call myself Nintur,
the lady who gives birth, the Womb of the Damp Lands by the riverbanks.’
Enki replied:
dearest Nintur, beloved, how can anyone quite compare to you? I cannot resist your wild, sweet ways, so lie with me one more
time and fill my body, heart, soul and mind with endless delights! For me you will forever be my fierce Damgalnunna, my Great
Spouse, passionate and very much loved!’
Ninhursag laughed and welcomed the eagerness of the Sweet Waters Lord.
Nine days later, the Great Goddess gave birth to a lovely girl without the slightest travail or pain. The girl was called
Ninsar, Lady Verdure, the Mistress of Vegetation, the green carpet of grass, leaves and flower beds that cover the surface
of the earth.
Enki was overjoyed with the birth of his and Ninhursag’s child:
' How perfect, how lovely
is our Ninsar! I love already the woman in the girl-child, the young Anunnaki goddess and Mistress of Velvet Meadows and Green
Fields. The ties that bind me to Ninsar are strong and tempered by an even greater love, for in her face I see also Ninhursag’s,
the one and only to my wandering heart.’
The Great Lady, holding Ninsar in her arms, kissed Enki in the mouth,
and said:
‘Soon my time to leave Dilmun will come, but to this holy land I will sure return at the beginning
of the earth’s rest in the Middleworld. I need to leave, for without my loving touch Spring cannot come back, the winds
to dismiss Winter won’t blow, all there is won’t sing or mate until I invite them to return. But before I go away,
I endow Ninsar with the power to grow in record time, and in holy Dilmun I’ll leave my youngster daughter safe and sound
from any illness, hatred or harm.’
As the Great Lady had declared, nine days later Ninsar was fully grown, charming
and graceful, a sight to behold. Ninhursag then left for the Middleworld. Enki knew he would miss his beloved terribly, but
while she was busy in the Middlearth giving her Essence for the land to grow happy and gay, equally busy was Enki in holy
Dilmun. It was his sacred duty to oversee the rise and fall of all fertilizing waters that flowed from Dilmun to feed the
rivers, lakes and ponds of the Middleworld to make the land ready to receive the Spring seeds. Thus, as much as he missed
Ninhursag, Enki knew he could not leave Dilmun before all waterways were filled to ensure that the people would have plenty
of water to grow their crops. Enki’s essence, the fertilizing power of the sweet waters, should reach every piece of
land in the Middleworld that had been worked and ploughed.
It was at the end of a day he had spent totally absorbed
by the mighty task of controlling the water flow to the Middleworld that Enki saw Ninsar walking on her own along the marshlands.
Indeed, a lovely goddess she had become, and Enki’s eyes fell on the Maiden’s. Deep within the Sweet Waters Lord
felt a longing he could not as yet define. He only knew that after Ninhursag’s departure, no other maiden had touched
his heart the way this one did. Indeed, she who walked on her own along the marshlands was the closest version to Ninhursag
his eyes had the luck to find. Enki did not lose time and immediately started wooing the young lady, encouraging her to love
him wildly by the riverside.
Curious and eager as Ninsar was to experience the power of love in her body, mind, soul,
and heart, she, the young goddess of Green Fields and Luscious Meadows, yielded to the Sweet Waters Lord, and together they
made wild love.
But when morning came, Enki looked into Ninsar’s eyes and found her a loving, but pale portrait
of Ninhursag.
‘What is in her that was so alluring last night, but now in the broad day light seems to have
lost substance? Lovely as she is, she is not the one I surely miss’, thought Enki.
Despite the doubts he felt
deep inside, Enki stayed with Ninsar for a while, because he knew his seed could be her womb. So he stayed with her until
the ninth day, when Ninsar gave birth to Ninkurra, another girl-child, the future goddess of Mountain Pastures.
before, Enki rejoiced at Ninkurra’s loveliness, at her cheerful smile and sweet face. Again, Enki saw in Ninkurra twice
the mark of his beloved Ninhursag.
Sadly, Ninsar realized that although she had been passionately loved by Enki for
a time, there was a longing in his eyes, his body, soul and mind she could not satisfy.
‘Bonded to him I for
a time was,’ thought Ninsar,’ but he does not want me for myself, this I can tell. Mine is not the mind, body,
soul and heart that holds his for a minute that means eternity, so I’ll let him go, now and forever. I need to be loved
for who and what I am, and not to be a mere replacement for whom I know not he loves.’
Thus, when Enki left
her and young Ninkurra, Ninsar grieved deeply, but found hope, meaning and sustenance in drawing from her all-one-ness, her
inner and outer resources to heal and grow with the experience. She also kept a watchful eye on Ninkurra, who, like herself,
grew in record time. Lovely, resourceful Ninkurra demonstrated enormous energy by climbing the highest heights, up to the
mountain tops, but also keeping her essence tied to the ground. This way Ninkurra, the Goddess of Mountain Pastures grew safe
from all hatred or harm.
Another nine days passed by, and as Ninkurra played at a mountain top, curiosity led her
to explore a well that surfaced out of the blue to water the greens and wild flower beds she had just made grow. To her sheer
surprise and delight, the well took the shape of a handsome god, who introduced himself to her as Enki the Sweet Waters Lord.
Again, Enki looked at Ninkurra’s young and cheerful face, and desired to dive into the maiden’s embrace,
for she reminded him twice of Ninhursag, the one and only to Enki’s wandering heart. The maiden at the mountain top
though had attracted the Sweet Waters’ Lord. Had he again fallen in love?
Ninkurra, who had lived a life so
sheltered at the mountain heights, was fully bewitched by the easy charm of the older, more experienced god. Thus she joyously
yielded to him and love they made for nine days and nine nights. But Enki soon realized that as lovely as Ninkurra was, she
could not be compared to Ninhursag.
As before, the Sweet Waters Lord left Ninsar after nine days, when Ninkurra gave
birth to another lovely girl-child called Uttu, the Spider, the Weaver of Patterns and Life Desires.
But Ninhursag,
having kissed the earth to awaken for Spring to come, had returned to holy Dilmun. The Great Lady who saw and wisely judged
all life forms, frowned at the sadness reflected in Ninsar’s and Ninkurra’s eyes, and frowned at Enki’s
unbridled lust. Ninhursag knew how charming Enki could be, but no matter what, young Uttu the Weaver should be advised to
avoid the riverbanks, or the places where Enki and herself could be found alone or unchaperoned:
‘Daughter Uttu,
beware of the marshes and the riverbanks, where Enki, the Sweet Waters god, reigns as Sovereign. There he will see you, there
he will desire you and want to make of you his own, only to leave you all alone later on!’, was Ninhursag’s stern
advice to Uttu.
For a time young Uttu did follow the Great Lady’s advice and kept her distance from Enki’s
lusty sight. But one day Enki’s desire won the young goddess’ heart, when he brought to her delicacies from the
garden of delights: apples, cucumbers and grapes, all this and more Enki offered to the young goddess. Then Uttu, full of
joy, opened herself to welcome Enki, the crafty god, and he embraced her with heartfelt glee, lying in her lap content and
happy. Loving strokes, kisses and hugs they shared, until Enki’s seed found its way to Uttu’s young and yet untried
Later, still lying on Enki’s powerful arms, doubt entered Uttu’s mind, body and heart:
you loved me so dearly, tonight I was your spouse, the one and only, your dearest, ‘ she thought . ‘ But will
you love me in the morning, o lustiest of all gods? Will you stay in my arms and never let me go? And will you love for more
than a holy night, and share with me happy and hard times?’
LILITH, continued: PART 2
There is a sacred divine woman the ancients called their
"LADY" and for whom they built religious shrines dedicated
to "The VIRGIN" in the midst of their cities. They sculpted
beautiful statues of her. She was honored for her great wis-
dom and patronage of those who prayed to her. She was also
esteemed to make prophecies. She was said to have been born
of an 'Immaculate Conception' without any sexual union.
Her name in Greek was "Athena" which means "LADY" and her
chief shrine was the "Parthenon" or "Place of The VIRGIN" in
Athens. In Rome she was called "Minerva"--a word which may
have come from the Semitic "Men-Ur-Awa": "Moon-Light-Woman."
In either case she was shown with OWLS, identifying her as
the wise, winged night predator.
These are the characteristics we now identify with LILith,
the owl-lady of the night, the Queen of the Witches or WISE
women, and the one who claimed to be THE FIRST WOMAN, who was
unwilling to be the wife of Adam unless he submitted to her,
as one legend has it. Although not later a virgin, she bacame
patron of virgins in the eyes of the pagans, for supposedly
resisting male advances.
At length, the strong and violent resistance of LILith to
certain kinds of sex became a story of a MILITANT feminist, a
WARRIOR WOMAN who carried a sword & shield and wore a helmet:
Athena/Minerva. Like them, LILith had a very strange birth;
in some versions, made out of clay, not born or procreated.
But we have shown that she was really the female half of the
twins which Samael, the angel of Mars, had by Eve.
LILith did not see herself as just a daughter of Eve. She
was the offspring of an angel. She was at least half angel.
Some argue she was 3/4's Nephilim because they think Adam and
Eve were themselves sired by the "gods." Indeed, some Jewish
tales make her to be 100% angel.
By such standards, LILith would have considered herself a
god or goddess. She would have looked down upon "mortals"
like Eve, her mother. She would have seen herself as one of
the immortals, destined to reign forever as "Queen" of the
earth and its nearby planetary realms, if not beyond.
We find still more details about LILith in the tablets of
Ninevah("NIN-EVA": "The Lady Mother")where a library of clay
records was destroyed in 612 bce by the Babylonians. These
tablets are not themselves very ancient, but scholars feel a
number of them tell of events in earliest Sumer from c.2,000
years before Ninevah fell. The tablets are incomplete, and
there is considerable dispute about their meaning and dates,
but much useful information is certainly inscribed on them.
In particular, there is a story about the post-Flood world
and how a very old "Queen"--who had been among those "gods"
who had fled earth to escape the Deluge--had later "retired"
to a place on the earth, a place of great significance. She
was called "NIN-HUR-SAG".
In ancient Sumer, NIN-HUR-SAG, "Lady-of The Mountain-of
Wisdom" who was the wife-sister of ENLIL and called "MOTHER
OF THE GODS," retired to the landing site of the "ANNUNAKI"
(or NEPHILIM), a place Zechariah Sitchin identified as a
"space-port" frequented by ancient rocket-ships. Sitchin,
in his book "THE WARS OF THE GODS AND MEN" [AVON: 1985], on
page 45, shows a picture of one of these ancient craft from
a Sumerian illustration. It does indeed appear to have a
jet-like trail coming from the bottom, which looks like a
standard rocket with stabilizer fins, but the overall image
looks exactly like an OWL. Here, perhaps, is a clue tying
Where was this place of owl-shaped "craft" to which the
"MOTHER OF THE GODS" retired? Could it be the wilderness
that LILith is said to haunt like "a screech owl"? Isaiah
34:14 uses the word "Lilith" in its Hebrew text:
" Edom...the SCREECH-OWL ["Lilith"] also shall
rest there, and find for herself a place of rest."
Sitchin says she retired to the "Sinai". But recent
research about where "Mount Sinai" was located supports
Paul's assertion in Galatians 4:25 that it was in ARABIA,
that is, in the land of Edom, not far from PETRA. Could
NIN-HUR-SAG have gone to Petra? Isaiah's "screech-owl" is
in Edom, whose ancient capital was at Petra.
Sitchin relates how her son NIN-URTU prepared the site
for her by damming a mountain to create irrigation. He
orders the workers to build terraces of fruit trees as a
garden on the sides of this mountain called "HAR-SAG" or
"Mount of the Wise" or perhaps "Witch Mountain." Sitchin
says it means "HEAD Mountain"--meaning it is the TALLEST
mountain of the region. This mountain, NIN-URTU says, can
bring her "the FRAGRANCE of the Gods"--usually identified
as frankincense and myrrh, the "divine" spices.
All these descriptions would certainly fit Petra. It
is taller than the surrounding mountains. It is famous
for its spices and its wise sages. It was inhabited long
before the Sumerians wrote down their legends and was once
a garden spot, irrigated by water from a spring that was
dammed up inside the mountain itself by an ingenious set
of eight gigantic cisterns carved into its summit. It has
long been considered haunted by a ghoulish spirit that the
Bedouins fear by night. Some American visitors have said
they witnessed a ghostly spectre on the top of Petra.
It is doubtful any other mountain on earth fits all the
requirements as well as Petra. Sitchin says NIN-HUR-SAG's
place of retirement was the same place where the ANUNNAKI
(or Nephilim) had come down to earth. Is there evidence
the Nephilim had "landed" at Petra before the Flood?
In the pseudepigraphal "BOOK OF ADAM AND EVE" there is
a detailed account of fallen angels coming down to earth to
have sex with human women. The place where this occurred
is described in great detail. The text makes a great many
references to a "Cave of Treasures" of gold, frankincense
& myrrh inside the mountain Adam and Eve went to after they
were forced to leave Eden. The book says Adam and his sons
--the heirs--were buried in the sacred "Cave of Treasures."
Atop the mountain was an altar; on the western side of the
mountain a river flowed down between hills or cliffs. This
was the Mountain of Adam. Atop this mountain the sons of
Adam dispensed wisdom and judgment.
This accurately describes Petra, whose caves are ancient
burial chambers, one of which is called "The Treasury" and
said to have been a storage place for gold, frankincense &
myrrh. Atop Petra is an extremely ancient altar. A stream,
the Wadi Musa, flows out of Petra to the west between two
mountainous cliffs called the Siq. The old name for Petra
was "Sela" or "The Place for Receiving Petitions"--just as
the "BOOK OF ADAM AND EVE" describes on Adam's Mountain.
In the days of Jared prior to the Deluge, we are told,
Satan and the fallen angels came down on this very same
mountain where the Cave of Treasures was located, then
proceeded down to the valley to the west where they had
intercourse with the daughters of Cain. This would have
been around the valley of the Wadi Arabah between Petra
in lower Jordan and the Sinai Peninsula, about half-way
between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aquaba. Sitchin may
be correct in identifying the Sinai area with the events
which followed the initial arrival of the Nephilim, yet it
seems to have been Petra where the actual first encounter
took place.
Sitchin says this was a desolate place after the Flood,
yet NIN-HUR-SAG insisted on living in this haunted mount,
against the advice of her son and family. Unable to keep
her from living at Petra, NIN-URTU decides to irrigate and
reclaim it for her. She wishes to sit on this particular
mountain as a queen alone for some reason. Why?
It is clear from the Jewish legends that LILith coveted
power and the throne of Adam. She saw herself as his equal,
and even his superior--of higher angelic stock, a goddess
over him and all mankind. One of her common pagan titles
was "Ashoroth, Queen of Heaven," and the Bible mentions her
at least 16 times in 8 books.
And so, if our reconstruction is correct, it would make
sense from her perspective, having been kicked out of Petra
after her brother Cain murdered Abel, to finally return in
triumph and rule from Petra after the Flood. The old texts
make it clear that she had not had access to Petra from the
day she and Cain were exiled until the Deluge came.
After the Flood, it was a different story. LILith at
last was able to re-enter Petra, the Mountain of Sages, or
"HUR-SAG" as they called it. So her name "NIN-HUR-SAG" was
a title she had coveted for ages. To her, it meant she was
finally the "Queen-Lady of the Mountain of Adam." It was,
she no doubt felt, her rightful inheritance.
Unless NIN-HUR-SAG is LILith, the twin sister of Cain,
her act of returning to this desolate, lonely mountain is
inexplicable. But as LILith, it makes perfect sense, for
this is the mounatain where she was born and grew up. She
had been expecting to rule the world from here. She must
return to the scene of the crime, so to speak, for this is
also the place where she goaded Cain into killing Abel.
Here, then, in the old Ninevah tablets, is the story of
the aged LILith, returning to earth after the Deluge, not
willing to be dissuaded by anyone, adamantly insisting on
living out her years as "Queen of Heaven" at Petra, where
mankind had first established civilization some 12,000 or
so years before.
Could she truly have lived 12,000 years?
The great ages recorded in Genesis seem prosaic compared
to the gargantuan life-spans attributed to the ancients by
the Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Akkadians, the Syrians,
the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the Indians, the Chinese,
and many others. Lives of thousands of years are taken as
normal for those who lived before the Great Flood they all
Today we marvel at anyone who passes their 100th year--
yet genetic scientists are reporting daily that they think
they are going to be able to arrest or even REVERSE aging
in the 21st century. Think of it: Our own scientists are
telling us that there could be people born within the next
hundred years who may NEVER die.
Suppose this technological break-through is real...and
had been achieved by the pre-Flood world, that is, by those
who lived during the end of the last ice-age. It would not
seem so strange, then, that stories of god-like individuals
describe them as living for centuries or thousands of years.
Once the aging process has been halted or reversed, only
VIOLENCE can kill you.
And that is precisely what the old myths say happened to
the pre-Flood world 12,000 years ago. Just as the Bible in
Genesis 6 states, the whole world descended into bloodshed
and murder. All ancient peoples record the same thing. In
a world where violence is the only way to die, violent death
becomes the universal fate of mankind.
Even so, it degenerated beyond violence, for the legends
also say the offspring of the fallen angels, the Nephilim or
ANUNNAKI, saw themselves as greatly superior to mankind and
exploited humanity in every way. As a "Master Race," these
half-angelic "giants in the earth" viewed pure humans as a
herd of animals. People became FOOD for the giants. It is
alluded to throughout the Bible, but only openly stated in
outside writings and the pagan myths. Cannibalism took over
the earth before the Flood. Had the Deluge not come, there
would have been no true human flesh saved alive. Ironically,
the Flood was the only way to rescue Noah's family from the
giant cannibal "Master Race" spawned by the Nephilim.
For LILith, the cannibals were an army of the night, the
demonic offspring of her bitterness and vengeance. She had
obviously hoped to irradicate the line of Seth, and she had
nearly succeeded. Many legends recount her midnight sexual
exploits as a way to steal semen to breed her army of demon
giants. The texts cannot explain why, but she seemed to be
rarely able to produce "normal" children. She and Cain had
only giants or dwarves, the Jewish legends say. Her half-
Nephilim genes were a bad tree that yielded only bad fruit.
After thousands of years, LILith appears to have found
even she was aging. It happened so slowly that her youth
drifted away without notice, it seems. Sitchin says those
who portrayed NIN-HUR-SAG in her latter years were making
fun of her, calling her the "old cow" and showing her as a
bloated dowager.
But the old "Night Hag" was not finished. In escaping
the earth, the Nephilim developed an inter-dimmensional
technology that allowed her to SHAPE-SHIFT. She might be
a real-life hag, but with the help of time-shifting UFO's,
even LILith could be young and beautiful again.
Once she grasped the significance of the new technology
and realized that her Nephilim genes gave her the inherited
shape-shifting potential, LILith began to "branch-out" and
become active in the world in a whole new way. Once again
able to have sex, she romped over the world in an orgy of
new youth. [We have documented the stories of her escapades
from all around the world on another LILith page.]
However, something seems to have gone wrong. LILith was
soon involved in stealing children, sucking their blood and
other fluids, and in "soul-stealing" as a means of deriving
immortality. Apparently, the shape-shifting only whetted
her appetite for the actual restoration of her body. What
she needed to REVERSE aging seems to be found in the young
bodies of children and in sexually-aroused men. Whatever
these substances are, she needs them desperately.
It has long been noted that alien abductions are almost
always accompanied by extractions of vital fluids from the
victims. What was once attributed to LILith and her night
visitors is now being done by supposed "alien" beings. The
old "Night Mary" and her vampire raids are become a kind of
global mass-production enterprise. It would seem they are
feeding a lot more than the vanity of one woman.
There are followers of LILith and Cain among us. They
include Laurence Gardner, author of BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY
GRAIL, who is Presidential Attache to the European Council
of Princes, whose chief is Gardner's close friend, Prince
Michael of Albany, the head of the House of Stewart, and
heir (they claim) to the royal throne of Scotland. There
is also an implication that if William and Harry were not
of Scottish descent by Diana, Michael of Albany would also
be claiming the British Throne itself. [See THE FORGOTTEN
MONARCHY OF SCOTLAND, Element Books, 1998, by Michael of
Gardner's first book in his "BLOODLINE" trilogy argued
that Michael of Albany is the true descendent of Jesus by
Mary Magdelene [sic] and the heir of the Throne of David.
That is, Gardner is claiming that Michael of Albany is the
Messiah. No joke. [We have refuted the Mary Magdelene myth
elsewhere and will add a page on this topic soon.]
In volume two of Gardner's trilogy, GENESIS OF THE GRAIL
more astonishing claims. He says he--Gardner--is a member
of "The Dragon Court," which he insists is the oldest still
functioning court on earth, going back 4,000 years. It is
from this Court's traditions that Gardner proceeds to state
the following:
1) That Cain did NOT kill Abel, but was the true heir.
2) That Noah was Cain's heir, as was Jesus, hence also
Prince Michael of Albany.
3) That Cain was the son of a Nephilim "god," not Adam.
4) That "Jehovah" was the "evil god" of old.
5) That the "good god" was the one who told man to eat
the Forbidden Fruit.
6) That this "fruit" was really HUMAN BLOOD and BODILY
7) That the best sources "exist only in live human[s]."
This man is not only deadly serious, but he has the full
trust and confidence of some of the most powerful persons
in Europe. When Gardner speaks of his "Dragon Court," he
is apparently referring to THE Dragon the Bible has called
Satan, but who Gardner refers to only as "ENKI" from those
same ancient texts that speak of NIN-HUR-SAG's exploits.
This "ENKI" is NIN-HUR-SAG's other brother, ENLIL's old
rival. Gardner sees ENKI as the true heir of CAIN's line.
But if ENKI is Cain's heir from before the Flood, he must
represent the authority of Cain, who is H'ILL or Lucifer.
One dares not guess what bold claims Gardner will make in
his third "BLOODLINE" volume.
That such ideas are taken seriously seems less important
than the verification Gardner gives that LILith's vampire
quest was not just mythological exaggeration. A very real
secret practice of drinking human menstural blood and the
eating of human glandular fluids has been going on for many
thousands of years in certain royal families, according to
Gardner. And he explicitly ties it to NIN-HUR-SAG as the
woman who ORIGINATED the practice.
Here, then, is blatant admission that a Luciferic royal
line has maintained itself through vampiristic practices
for thousands of years, and that the woman who originated
this bloodline was NIN-HUR-SAG, "MOTHER OF THE GODS" and
"QUEEN OF HEAVEN"--the "NIGHT MARY" of old, whose "wisdom"
made her "Queen of Witches" and patroness of prophets and
seers. Gardner openly invites his readers to drink blood
and imbibe the glandular secretions of "live human" souls.
Gardner not only attacks the God of the Jews, he also
attacks "the forgers of historic Christianity" who he says
"stifled" and suppressed this vampiristic tradition and
its proponents. The rabbis and churches have, he asserts,
prevented the people from gaining the benefits of slurping
each other's bloody orifices and sucking out the psychic
juices lurking in their living brains.
Lured by the promise of immortality and mystical powers
obtainable from this gory cuisine, thousands of amateurish
vamps will no doubt soon descend upon our cities in search
of willing and not so willing victims. Too bad Gardner is
so shy about mentioning the side-effects. The secretions
in question are brain chemicals that affect sanity. When
cattle are fed the brains of other cattle, they develop a
horrible affliction known as "Mad-Cow Disease" in which an
animal's brain steadily dissolves into mush. It dies in a
horrible, extended agony. But first, it goes mad.
There are prophecies about the coming of a False Messiah
who claims the Throne of Christ at a time when Christians
and Jews are being persecuted savagely. The perpetrators
are said to be "drunk"--a Hebraism meaning "confused"--"on
the blood of the martyrs." Most interpreters have assumed
this was just a metaphor, that the persecutors would not be
LITERALLY DRINKING THE BLOOD of their victims. But no one
until now knew that such practices could in fact make people
"drunk" or mentally confused and mad.
LILith's slide into madness becomes more comprehensible
when her blood-drinking addiction is taken into account. It
is safe to say that a person engorged with brain chemicals
sucked out of babies would devolve into insane barbarisms
beyond description. LILith would be cabable of anything.
It is oft stated in the old accounts that LILith delights
in terrifying people, especially children. Modern research
into brain chemistry sheds light on this as well. Fear will
pump up the body's production of the glandular secretions of
greatest interest to LILith. Like all predatory animals, it
is part of the hunt for LILith to terrify her prey to cause
her victims to pump up their brain hormones so she can feast
on them. All predators do this. Gardner has now explained
why LILith and her offspring do it.
So if your children report seeing a shape-shifting "LADY"
magically appearing to them and telling them horrible things
to frighten them, beware. She's hungry...
- LILITH: The Uncensored Version
- Part 1 of the LILith Saga
- Part 2 of the LILith Saga
- For Documentation on Eden's Location
- Return to the Scene of the Times
- There's Power In The Blood...
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