SEPTEMBER 19, 2006
This report confirms information consealed in NTSB Final Report on John F. Kennedy, Jr. Crash
by Joe Futrelle see link below.
Mr. Skolnick you are to be HONORED for your services to HUMANITY.
this case is solved.....................
Home Page Sherman H. Skolnick Email:
HAPPENED TO AMERICA'S GOLDENBOY? Part Four By Sherman H. Skolnick Moderator/producer Chicago public access
Cable TV Program "Broadsides", on since 1991, chairman/founder, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts since 1963.
1. No declassificatin until 7/22/2029.
2. This is in deference to the wishes of a senior member of the Kennedy family.
3. Also in deference to the
order of the national government and in respect to certain foreign intelligence agencies having reciprocal agreements with
the U.S.
4. POTUS order and national security findings attached.
5. The recovered aircraft shows evidence
of an explosive device having been glued or affixed within the tail luggage compartment.
6. Device was apparently
actuated by a barometric trigger. Radio signals not ruled out.
7. Tail of aircraft was dismembered from the plane
making it front heavy.
8. Study of radar shows the plane fell in excess of 6,000 feet per minute up to radar cutoff.
9. Satellite images supplied by the National Reconnaissance Office record an outbursting flash from the aircraft just
prior to it going into perpendicular descent.
10. Tail structure was dismembered just prior to descent.
Recovery of a piece of luggage from beyond the flight path of the aircraft correlates with it being hurtled out of the tail
luggage compartment at outburst.
12. Preliminary examination of the aircraft shows residue of an explosive device
the Laboratory identifies as being the type used by certain foreign intelligence agencies. Refer to POTUS order and findings.
13. Study of Air Traffic Control and other radio signals shows no Mayday report from the aircraft, explained by rapidity
of descent.
14. Investigation and examination has been strictly compartmentalized.
15. A short, perfunctory
examination of the recovered bodies was completed. Examination revealed that Carolyn Bessette Kennedy
was in third trimester pregnant, the fetus a boy. The four bodies were transferred to a senior member of the Kennedy
family. The Bureau was not informed whether the bodies were actually cremated. Indirect advisories
report that the bodies may have been shipped in untagged containers to foreign destinations. Reliable assets
are to submit reports.
For a heavy packet of printed stories send $5.00 [U.S. funds] plus a stamped, self-addressed
BUSINESS sized envelope with three stamps on it, to Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick,Chairman,9800
So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office: 8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days, (773) 375-5741. Recorded phone message (773)
731-1100. E-mail: skolnick@ameritech. net website: NOTE "s" after skolnick in website address. We hope
in near future to have portions of our TV Show on video streaming on internet.

Great Royal Wife
Ra shifted uneasily in his bed. Sleep would come only fitfully to him now; anger and frustration
welled up in him too greatly to allow him rest. He had only two options--to continue to toss and turn, or something
else. The alternative won out in his mind; with a frustrated sigh he sat up and rose from his bed, pushing the curtain aside,
slipping on his sandals, and heading for his door.
He must see Nebhet. There was nothing else that would cool the fire
in his blood. He couldn't be certain how she did it, but whenever he was with her, her soothing voice, her touch, would always
manage to turn the anger in him into passion, which he could sate upon her. She had never failed him yet. He doubted that
she would now.
Leaving his quarters, he barely acknowledged the guards who bowed as he passed. He went straight for
Nebhet's quarters, his stride quick and purposeful. Thinking of her already--her cool fingers upon his warm skin--caused a
stirring of desire within him. He could barely contain himself all the way there.
Damn these halls that were so long!
finally reaching her rooms, he nodded at the guards, who bowed and ducked aside to let him enter, unchallenged. Once inside
he caught sight of Nebhet's serving girls, asleep on pallets near the wall. They must not have slept too deeply as they awoke
and looked up at him. Ra nodded curtly and they too bowed, hastily, gathering themselves and leaving the room. The door shut
behind them, and Ra turned to face Nebhet's bed, the gauzy curtains which surrounded it not completely successful in obscuring
the form of the sleeping goddess. He headed her way.
* * * * *
One of the serving girls awoke too late. As she lifted her head, blinking, she saw the
last of her companions exit the room and the door shut. She gasped and sat up, then sank back down, noticing who had entered
the room. God Ra. He walked in the direction of her mistress's bed, and she knew that she was trapped in there now. There
was no way out; she'd have to stay, hidden and quiet in the shadows, until they were finished with whatever they wished to
do, and hope that they didn't notice her.
She kept herself low and watched God Ra part the curtains and step up to
stand beside Nebhet's bed. He bent to light an oil lamp at her bedside, and she saw the goddess stir awake, heard her exclaim
with some surprise, "Majesty."
In response Ra reached for his belt, loosened it, and let his kilt fall. The girl stifled
a gasp. His back was to her, but she somehow hadn't expected this. If only she'd awakened in time! What trouble she could
get in for witnessing this!
Still she couldn't turn away. She saw Nebhet reach out her arms in greeting, saw God Ra
swing one leg over hers and lower himself down to start kissing her neck. Nebhet giggled softly. The two of them shifted and
writhed a little, and the girl could see him kissing her all over her body, Nebhet touching and caressing him back.
hoped that it would be quick.
Their loveplay, at least, lasted only a few minutes. God Ra growled and she sensed his
impatience. Partly silhouetted by the curtains, she saw Nebhet sit up, touching his shoulders, whispering in his ear; she
turned herself over and knelt, placing her head down upon her pillows. The girl gasped again when God Ra pulled off his loincloth
and sat up--member erect--took hold of her hips, straddled and entered her from behind. As she watched the god leaned over
his prostrate wife, arms on both sides of her, and began to push, quickly, hurriedly; there was no forethought, no building
up; he thrust into her heavily, his hips bucking against her, grunting and snorting like a bull in heat.
Nebhet kept
her head down and allowed him to take control, his hurried motions just increasing, his frustrated groans rapidly rising.
girl watched, unable to turn away; barely five minutes had passed before Ra's groans rose and exploded in a furious bellow,
his buttocks contracting and Nebhet letting out a muffled cry as his seed poured forth. The god sank down over her, panting
to catch his breath.
The act had been quick. The girl was surprised by how short it was. Still, it was lucky
for her; if she lay still enough, the god would leave without even noticing her, and she would escape his wrath...
quailed, though, when she suddenly realized that it was not over. Their first coupling had been only perfunctory; she
saw now that his need had been very great, too great to contain, and now that he'd released himself he could further enjoy
it--and his wife.
* * * * *
Nebhet submitted to Ra's heavy thrusting, felt her own lack of satisfaction once he was
done, but cried out just the same. She knew better than to tell him to slow it down for her benefit. Best to make him feel
virile. Whenever he went this quickly, she knew there was much more to come.
She rolled over to lie on her back as
soon as he pulled himself out of her, and they lay panting at the canopy for a short time. She smiled and shivered when he
reached out to touch her face and immediately pressed herself close to him. He smiled at her slightly in turn, tracing his
fingers along her cheek.
"How was that, my fiery little mate?"
"Wondrous, as always, Mighty Bull. Of course
you know that once is never quite enough to sate me..." She stuck out her full lower lip in a mock pout, trailing her fingers
over his breast. His smile grew and he kissed her.
"Of course, my little what you most desire and it's
Nebhet giggled. "Well...if it is not too much to ask...this little flame would much love Her Majesty to quench
the flame that roars below..."
He kissed her cheek again and pushed himself up on one elbow. " this is what
you wish for? Be aware that you must quench my flame as well."
The goddess laughed softly again, the color rising in
her cheeks. "Of course, Majesty! I will never forget my duties to you...if you will allow me to perform them!"
both laughed together, and shifted upon the bed so that he lay upon his back, and she moved atop him...
* * * * *
The servant girl watched with her lips slightly parted and awe in her eyes as the two
upon the royal bed laughed to themselves and attempted to sate their desires upon one another. As she watched now the god
lay upon his back tightly grasping his wife's thighs, groaning as he nuzzled, sucking on her bedewed lips, tonguing her swollen
mound. The goddess likewise moaned around the thickness within her mouth, her lips working up and down him as he pushed. They
both rocked in a slow, slightly awkward yet highly pleasured motion. Nebhet's hands ran up and down her lord's legs and her
thighs quivered. Ra's hips pumped up and down, slowly yet heavily.
The girl's breath came quick and shallow. And...her
fingers reached down, trembling, beneath the edge of her dress, gently sliding inside herself, testing her slick wetness.
She took in a shaking breath. The divine loveplay she was witnessing stoked a raging fire inside her, and she could not quell
the blasphemous image that arose before her mind's eye, of God Ra tightly grasping his mate's legs, her eyes gliding along
his hard lean body to view the face of she who pleasured him most--only to see her own face, flushed and puffy with desire.
His gleaming rod, capped with deep brilliant purple, rose before her face and gushed forth its bounty into her yearning mouth,
trailing from her lips as the column of fire overwhelmed her...
Nebhet cried out and arched, lapping at the juice which
sprayed into her face as she pulled away, Ra giving a harsh groan and sinking his fingers into her, feet digging into the
bed. Her legs nearly clamped together from the pressure. As soon as he let his breath out, and she hers, she sank down over
him with a soft whimper, tongue still licking the remaining juices from his body as he lay panting heavily. They rested, a
tangle of damp limbs and glistening skin, awaiting the renewal of their strength.
The serving girl let out her breath
and lowered her hand as the last of the tremors passed silently through her body. Her fingers came away damp and slightly
bloodied. She had wished that her god and lord could have taken her maidenhood from her...
She heard them murmur to
one another, kissing. Nebhet leaned over her lord, smiling and tracing fingertips over his skin; he smiled back and touched
her waist. They quietly laughed and their foreheads touched.
"Do you suppose we shall do this properly, now?" he inquired,
running his hand along her jaw. "Perhaps you may even give me another son."
"Or a daughter?"
"Or a daughter.
A beautiful little princess."
"You claim you wish for heirs, yet you have so many as it is that I cannot help but wonder
if you like this simply because it makes me fat and round and fills my breasts up with milk for you to suck."
The girl
put her hand to her mouth, mortified and expecting to hear a slap. Instead the god merely chuckled; their heated lovemaking
had put him in a good humor, evidently.
"Well, I would lie if I were to say I did not miss suckling at your teats,
wouldn't I?"
Nebhet giggled and pushed herself up, cupping one full breast. "I have no milk to offer my lord, but I
do have plenty to suckle upon!"
He smiled and reached up for her. She brought herself down over him, rubbing her hips
against his until his thick shaft entered her willing body. They rocked in sensuous embrace, rolling about and tangling in
the sheets until she lay upon her back, spread wide and moaning, he above her, thrusting deeply and soundly. The serving girl
watched as they mated for an hour or more, the god bringing his wife to the edge of climax repeatedly until she begged to
be set free, and it was only when the stars had grown bright in the night sky that the goddess's sharp cry rang through the
royal bedroom and beyond.
"Mighty Bull...!"
She crouched still in the shadows, praying not to be seen,
hand working furiously to relieve her own stinging heat. All the while she wished so deeply that it hurt, that it could be
herself crying out upon that bed, lost in pleasure with her divine master. Oh, how she wished.
Ancient Egyptian Sexuality
Ancient Egyptian Sexuality
...Revel in pleasure while your life endures And deck your head with myrrh. Be richly clad In white and perfumed linen;
like the gods Anointed be; and never weary grow In eager quest of what your heard desires - Do as it prompts you...
-- Lay of the Harpist
Sexuality in ancient Egypt was open, untainted by guilt. Sex was an important part of life
- from birth to death and rebirth. Singles and married couples made love. The gods themselves were earthy enough to copulate.
The Egyptians even believed in sex in the afterlife. Sex was not taboo... Even the Egyptian religion was filled with tales
of adultery, incest, homosexuality and masturbation... with hints of necrophillia! Masculinity and femininity itself were
strongly linked with the ability to conceive and bear children...
To the ancient Egyptians, the most attractive women tended to be the fertile ones. A women who had children was seen to be more fortunate than ones without. Taking after Isis, the mother goddess of Horus, Egyptian women strove to be intelligent, wise, mystical and mothers.
Where her twin sister Nephthys was barren, Isis was fertile.
In the Egyptian community, men had to prove their masculinity by fathering children, while
the women had to be able to bear these sons and daughters. Being a mother meant being able to keep her
marriage secure and to gain a better position in society.
But an Egyptian family was not just a status symbol - the Egyptians loved their children and
were not afraid to show it. But there were some advice to parents, written by scribes:
Do not prefer one of your children above the others; after all, you
never know which one of them will be kind to you.
Adultery in Egypt was wrong. Women got the worst punishment for adultery - a man might just be forced into a divorce, but a women could conceivably be killed for that crime. In the Tale of Two Brothers, the adulterous
wife was found out, murdered and her body was thrown to the dogs.
Unmarried women, on the other hand, seem to be free to choose partners as they so desire, and
enjoy their love life to its fullest.
Itinerant Performers and 'Prostitutes'
The Egyptian sacred 'prostitute' (who was probably a highly regarded as a member of Egyptian society because of her association
with different gods or goddesses (such as Bes and Hathor), rather than the street walker that the modern mind imagines) advertised herself through her
clothing and make up. Some of these women wore blue faience beaded fish-net dresses. They painted their lips red, and tattooed
themselves on the breasts or thighs and even went around totally nude. There is no evidence that these women were paid for
these fertility-related acts, so some believe that word 'prostitute' is probably an incorrect term for these women.
Another idea,
pointed out to me by Daniel Kolos, an Egyptologist academically trained at the University of Toronto, is that this premarital sexual
activity might be a prerequisite for marriage. One of the theories that disassociates these women from being prostitutes,
is that their sexual activity could be part of a "coming-of-age ritual", just as circumcision was one for males. With Egypt's
heavy emphasis on fertility as the defining nature of a man or a woman, this idea is a highly likely probability.
Other theories could be that the young virgin girls joined itinerant performing groups - dancers,
singers and the like - and during their time with these groups they experienced their first sexual encounters. If a girl became
pregnant, she would probably leave the troupe to head home to her family with proof of her fertility. (Motherhood was venerated,
giving a woman a much higher status in society, so pregnancy was something to be proud of in ancient Egypt.)
These travelling groups of women were strongly linked with midwifery and childbirth-related
deities. The goddesses Isis, Nephthys, Meskhenet and Heqet disguised themselves as itinerant performers, travelling with the god Khnum as their porter. Carrying the sistrum and menat instruments - instruments with sexual
overtones - they showed it to Rawoser, the expectant father. Knowing that his wife, Raddjedet, was having a very difficult labour, he told these women - the disguised goddesses - about his
wife's troubles, and at their offer of help, he let them in to see her.
These women do not seem to be pay-for-sex prostitutes, instead they seem to be a link with the divine, a helper of expectant
mothers and singers, dancers and musicians. This is not to say that there were no pay-for-sex prostitutes in ancient Egypt,
it it just that there is little evidence of this found. Considering Egypt's very different image of sexuality, the modern
concept of both sexuality and prostitution do not fit this ancient society. Women operated under a totally different cultural
imperative than women today, thus ancient Egyptian sexuality must be looked at without modern prejudices. It seems that these
female performers, these 'prostitutes', were treated with courtesy and respect, and there seemed to be a well established
link between these travelling performers and fertility, childbirth, religion and magic.
The Egyptians had their own ways and means of getting around the fact that sex produced children.
They had both contraceptives and abortions, mostly these were prescriptions that were filled with unpleasant ingredients such
as crocodile dung. Here is one of the nicer ones:
Prescription to make a woman cease to become pregnant for one, two
or three years: Grind together finely a measure of acacia dates with some honey. Moisten seed-wool with the mixture and insert
it in the vagina.
-- Ebers Medical Papyrus
From the close family relationships in Egyptian mythology and the fact that Egyptians seemed
to have no taboo against incest, many have concluded that incest was rife in ancient Egypt.
There were probably some brother and sister marriages, but more likely than not, the siblings
in question would have been half-brothers and half-sisters. The problem arises from the limited Egyptian terms of kinship,
which are very confusing. A 'father' could refer to the actual father, the grandfather or male ancestors, while 'mother' could
be the same, but for the females of the family. 'Sister' could mean a lover, a wife, a mistress or concubine, niece or aunt!
The royal family, on the other hand, did have more incestuous marriages. The royal blood ran
through the females, not the males. To become pharaoh, a man had to marry a royal princess... which would be his sister or
The prevalence of brother-sister marriages within the New Kingdom
royal family, a custom in obvious contrast to contemporary non-royal marriage patters, appears to have been an attempt to
reinforce the links between the royal family and the gods who themselves frequently indulged in brother-sister unions.
Even the gods had sex in ancient Egypt. Ra (in the form of Atem) masturbated his children Shu and Tefnut into existence!
Atem is he who masturbated in Iunu (On, Heliopolis). He took his
phallus in his grasp that he might create orgasm by means of it, and so were born the twins Shu and Tefnut.
-- Pyramid Text 1248-49
Nut and Geb
Nut, the goddess of the night sky, and her brother Geb, the god of the earth, were originally thought to be in a constant state of love making. Ra grew
angry with his grandchildren, and commanded their father Shu to separate the two lovers. The god of the air took his place, and trampled on the ithyphallic
Geb, and lifted Nut high into the air. Nut was found to be pregnant, and was then cursed by Ra - she would never be able to bear her children
on any month of the 360 day year. Thoth managed to win a game against Khonsu, god of the moon, and used some of the light of the moon
to create five extra days (making the year 365 days). During those days Nut gave birth to her five children - Isis, Osiris, Nephthys, Set and Horus the Elder (not to be confused with Horus, the child of Isis and Osiris).
Nephthys and Osiris
Some tales of sex and the Egyptian gods is on the seamier side - one of the reasons given as to why Set and Osiris hate each other was because of Nephthys, Set's sister-wife. She was barren (she represented the desert, as did Set), and she hit on the plan of disguising herself as Isis and seducing Osiris. Getting Osiris drunk, Nephthys took Osiris to her bed, and the two had drunken sex together. Osiris dropped his garland of melilot
flowers in the act of passion. Set found the adulterous goddess and the flowers, and knowing who the flowers belonged to, he began
to plan Osiris' death. The child of this union was thought to be Anubis, god of mummification.
Now as the overflowings of the Nile are sometimes very great, and
extend to the boundaries of the land, this gave rise to the story of the secret intercourse between Osiris and Nephthys, as the natural consequence of so great an inundation would be the springing up of plants in those parts of the country which were formerly barren.
Isis and Osiris
After his first attempt, Set managed to kill Osiris again and cut up his body into numerous parts. These parts Set spread all over Egypt. Isis, Nephthys and Anubis searched Egypt, and managed to retrieve all of the pieces of the body, except one - Osiris' phallus.
Set had dropped the penis into the Nile (making it fertile), where it was eaten by a fish. The god
and goddesses pieced Osiris together and created the first mummy. Using her magic, Isis fashioned a replacement for Osiris' missing part, either out of clay, wood or gold, and attached
this to her dead husband's body. Through magical spells, life was breathed back into Osiris' body (though some dispute this and believe that Osiris was
dead at the time)... The goddess managed to share a time of passion with her husband who impregnating her with their child,
Horus. Osiris then passed into the afterlife, becoming god of the dead.
Horus and Set
Then Set said to Horus: "Come, let us have a feast day at my house." And Horus said to him: "I will, I
will." Now when evening had come, a bed was prepared for them, and they lay down together. At night, Set let his member become stuff, and he inserted it between the thighs of Horus. And Horus placed
his hand between his thighs and caught the semen of Set.
-- Story of Horus and Set
After Osiris' eventual death, while Horus was growing up and planning his own revenge, Set and Horus engaged in a homosexual relationship. In one part of the myth, Set proclaimed to Horus, "How lovely your backside is." Informing his mother Isis about his uncle's ardour, Horus is told to catch Set's semen rather than becoming impregnated by the murderer of his father. Set, in doing so, was planning on humiliating Horus by showing the gods that Horus would be filled
with someone else's semen.
Horus and Isis's next plan was to 'impregnate' Set with Horus' semen. His mother spreads powerful unguents on Horus' penis, after which he ejaculated
into a jar, and they spread it on some lettuce, a favourite aphrodisiac to the ancient Egyptians. Set then ate the semen-covered lettuce, and so Horus (rather than Set with his first 'attack') bacame sexually dominant over his uncle. Set then asked the gods to bring the semen forth from the 'impregnated' one, to humiliate Osiris'
son. The semen comes out of Set himself, and he becomes the laughing stock of the gods!
The Egyptian god if the Nile, Hapi, was a masculine deity, given female properties because of the fertility of the Nile river. Without
the Nile, there would be no Egypt. Due to the duality of Egyptian thought, there were two Hapi gods - one of Upper Egypt wearing the water lily (lotus) on his head, and one of Lower Egypt wearing papyrus. He was usually depicted as a blue or green
coloured man with a protuding belly, carrying libation jugs. He also has full breasts, indicating his ability to nourish Egypt.
Despite being a hermaphrodite god, both the northern and southern versions of Hapi were given wives - Nekhbet THIS WAS SOPHIA OF WISDOM III - CAROLINE E. KENNEDY - CAROLINA KENNEDIA
in Upper Egypt and Wadjet in Lower Egypt.
Lettuce was thought to be the favourite food of the fertility god, Min. He was depicted as a god with an erect penis, wearing a feathered crown and carrying a flail.
Lettuce was his sacred plant, and an aphrodisiac to the ancient Egyptians - this particular species of lettuce was tall, straight
and secreted a milky substance when pressed!
Another aphrodisiac was the onion. They were forbidden to the priests who had vowed celibacy,
for fear that their passion might take over, and that they might desecrate themselves!
Fennel, ginger, pomegranates, coriander in wine and radishes mixed with honey were thought
to have aphrodisiac qualities, too.
The water lily was also a symbol of sexuality, as well as immortality and health. It was possibly even a narcotic
that the Egyptians used, but it was more likely to be a sexual stimulant.
Some of the more unusual aphrodisiacs included pearls dissolved in a cup of wine, baboon faeces
added to aphrodisiac ointments!
The Turin Papyrus contains various pictures of sexual activity, perhaps focused on Ramses II and his many wives.
It has been theorised that, more likely, it is just the fantasies of an ancient Egyptian who happened to sketch them out on
papyrus, or an artwork poking fun at the sexual side of the Egyptian lifestyle. Most of the positions drawn on this papyrus
seem to be rather uncomfortable!
Another sexual sketch - this time graffiti - from ancient Egypt shows a woman with a pharaoh's
crown, maybe Hatshepsut (1473-1458 BC) engaging in sex with a male that many presume to be Senmut. This sketch has caused
many people to believe that Hatshepsut and her favourite courtier were lovers.
From various sources, it seems that the Egyptian preferred method of intercourse were face-to-face
or from behind.
References in writing to sexual intercourse between men are as rare
as those to sexual intercourse between men and women; the absence of references in writing to sexual intercourse between women
reflects the general male bias of the written record. Homosexual intercourse between a king and his general is implied in
the fragmentary 'Tale of Neferkara and Sasenet', in the description of secret nocturnal visits by the king to the general,
detected by the hero of the tale; although the tale is damaged, it reads as if the nocturnal visits are considered illicit.
-- Sexuality in ancient Egypt, Digital Egypt for Universities
After Life
The Egyptians thought of their afterlives as more of a continuation of life on earth (albeit a better life).
This being the case, the Egyptians believed in sex life after death!
Egyptian men had false penises attached to their mummies while Egyptian women had artificial nipples attached. Both would become fully functional in the afterlife,
where they were free to engage in sexual intercourse, if they so desired.
There were even fertility dolls in many graves - women with wide, child-bearing hips that were often carrying children in their arms. Other fertility
dolls, known as paddle dolls, don't have any legs, and their bodies end in very wide pubic area, with tiny heads and arms.
These dolls show that the Egyptians believed that fertility and sex were interlinked, though
the ancient Egyptians quite clearly enjoyed sex in its own right!
A special thanks goes to Daniel Kolos, an academic Egyptologist (MA in Ancient Egyptian Language and Literature, University of Toronto)
for suggestions and ideas about ancient Egyptian sexually active unmarried women and the roles they played in ancient Egyptian
Can you have a look at my Egyptology Column for more Hieroglyph Lessons, Egyptian gods and goddess articles and more!
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© Caroline Seawright

AKA CAROLINE E. KENNEDY_____________________
SEPTEMBER 11, 2006
Lady Day
Fra Angelico, AnnunciationIn the Christian calendar,
Lady Day is the Feast of the Annunciation (25 March) and the first of the four traditional Irish and English quarter days.
In England, Lady Day was New Year's Day up to 1752 when, following the move from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian
Calendar, 1 January became the start of the year. A vestige of this remains in the United Kingdom's tax year, which starts
on 6 April, i.e. Lady Day adjusted for the lost days of the calendar change.
The logic of using Lady Day as the start
of the year is that it reckons years A.D. from the moment of the Incarnation, which is considered to take place at the moment
of the conception of Jesus at the Annunciation rather than at the moment of his birth at Christmas. See also New Year.
Day was also a nickname of the singer Billie Holiday.
September 23, 1996
John F. Kennedy Jr. Is Married, Quietly, Reports Say
After years of speculation about his romantic life and a weekend flurry of hot rumors, John F. Kennedy
Jr. was reported yesterday to have been married on Saturday to Carolyn Bessette, his girlfriend, in a private ceremony at
a small resort on a secluded Georgia barrier island.
Judge Martin O. Gillette of Camden County Probate Court, whose office is in Woodbine, Ga., confirmed
late last night that his office had issued the couple a marriage license on Thursday, though the license had
not been returned to confirm that a ceremony occurred.
Usually, couples fill out the license questionnaire together at the courthouse, the judge said, but
Ms. Bessette and Mr. Kennedy asked to be questioned separately aboard different planes at St. Mary's Airport near Cumberland
Island. Ms. Bessette was questioned at 6:15 P.M. and Mr. Kennedy at 7:30 P.M. by two of the judge's clerks, he said.
''They wanted privacy,'' Judge Gillette said.
There was no wedding announcement, and members of the Kennedy family who may have attended the ceremony
-- including Senator Edward M. Kennedy and the groom's sister, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg -- said nothing as they hurried
to planes yesterday at an airport a few miles from Cumberland Island, where the wedding and a reception apparently took place.
But Ms. Schlossberg responded with a thumbs-up sign when a television crew shouted questions about
reports of the wedding. And the groom's cousin, Representative Patrick Kennedy, a Rhode Island Democrat, provided what seemed
to be more certain confirmation yesterday at a political appearance in Steubenville, Ohio.
''My cousin John did tie the knot yesterday,'' Patrick Kennedy said, according to The Associated Press.
He made the comments at a fund-raiser for a fellow Democrat, State Senator Robert Burch, who is running for a seat in the
House of Representatives. Mr. Kennedy gave no details of the wedding, to which he was not invited, but his spokesman, Larry
Berman, confirmed that Ms. Bessette was the bride. ''I think it was, from what we heard, very small,'' he told The A.P.
The 35-year-old son of President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had been the object
of gossip and speculation for years in tabloids that have dubbed him ''The Sexiest Man Alive'' and ''America's Most Eligible
Bachelor.'' He had been romantically linked for five years to Ms. Bessette, 28, who most recently worked in public relations
for Calvin Klein Ltd. in New York City.
Mr. Kennedy, the co-founder and editor of George, a magazine of political commentary, ended a lengthy
relationship with the actress Darryl Hannah not long after his mother's death in 1994. Last September, Mr. Kennedy denied
reports that he and Ms. Bessette were engaged, but over the past year they were seen together in New York and at the Kennedy
compound at Hyannis, on Cape Cod. The couple were videotaped last February in a New York park having what was taken to be
a lover's quarrel. It was shown on television and turned up in newspapers and magazines.
New York magazine reported last week that Mr. Kennedy, apparently seeking privacy, had made wedding
plans without divulging the date or place even to many of his closest relatives and friends.
Fewer than a dozen people were reported to have attended the ceremony at 4 P.M. Saturday in a chapel
on Cumberland Island, an unspoiled barrier beach in the southeast corner of Georgia that was once a vacation home for the
Carnegie family. The wedding party stayed on the island at Greyfield Inn, a bed-and-breakfast resort, where a reception was
The Cumberland Island National Seashore on the island is operated by the National Park Service, which
has a small staff there. The Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville reported, however, that security was unusually high on the
island over the weekend, with private guards turning the curious away from Greyfield Inn. The newspaper also quoted a park
volunteer as saying that members of the Kennedy family were on the island and had been arriving under the cover of darkness
for several days at Fernandina Airport in Fernandina Beach, eight miles south of the island, just across the Florida state
Friends of the Kennedy family said that the groom's uncle, Senator Edward Kennedy, flew down on Friday
evening. Danny Newton, of Island Aviation Services at the airport, said yesterday that the Senator, with a party of eight
people, and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, with one or two companions, had left the airport in separate private planes yesterday
shortly before 1 P.M.
Ancient Egyptian Sexualityby Caroline Seawright April 9, 2001
Ancient Egyptian Sexuality
...Revel in pleasure while your life endures And deck your head with myrrh. Be richly clad In white and perfumed linen;
like the gods Anointed be; and never weary grow In eager quest of what your heard desires - Do as it prompts you...
-- Lay of the Harpist
Sexuality in ancient Egypt was open, untainted by guilt. Sex was an important part of life
- from birth to death and rebirth. Singles and married couples made love. The gods themselves were earthy enough to copulate.
The Egyptians even believed in sex in the afterlife. Sex was not taboo... Even the Egyptian religion was filled with tales
of adultery, incest, homosexuality and masturbation... with hints of necrophillia! Masculinity and femininity itself were
strongly linked with the ability to conceive and bear children...
To the ancient Egyptians, the most attractive women tended to be the fertile ones. A women who had children was seen to be more fortunate than ones without. Taking after Isis, the mother goddess of Horus, Egyptian women strove to be intelligent, wise, mystical and mothers.
Where her twin sister Nephthys was barren, Isis was fertile.
In the Egyptian community, men had to prove their masculinity by fathering children, while
the women had to be able to bear these sons and daughters. Being a mother meant being able to keep her
marriage secure and to gain a better position in society.
But an Egyptian family was not just a status symbol - the Egyptians loved their children and
were not afraid to show it. But there were some advice to parents, written by scribes:
Do not prefer one of your children above the others; after all, you
never know which one of them will be kind to you.
Adultery in Egypt was wrong. Women got the worst punishment for adultery - a man might just be forced into a divorce, but a women could conceivably be killed for that crime. In the Tale of Two Brothers, the adulterous
wife was found out, murdered and her body was thrown to the dogs.
Unmarried women, on the other hand, seem to be free to choose partners as they so desire, and
enjoy their love life to its fullest.
Itinerant Performers and 'Prostitutes'
The Egyptian sacred 'prostitute' (who was probably a highly regarded as a member of Egyptian society because of her association
with different gods or goddesses (such as Bes and Hathor), rather than the street walker that the modern mind imagines) advertised herself through her
clothing and make up. Some of these women wore blue faience beaded fish-net dresses. They painted their lips red, and tattooed
themselves on the breasts or thighs and even went around totally nude. There is no evidence that these women were paid for
these fertility-related acts, so some believe that word 'prostitute' is probably an incorrect term for these women.
Another idea,
pointed out to me by Daniel Kolos, an Egyptologist academically trained at the University of Toronto, is that this premarital sexual
activity might be a prerequisite for marriage. One of the theories that disassociates these women from being prostitutes,
is that their sexual activity could be part of a "coming-of-age ritual", just as circumcision was one for males. With Egypt's
heavy emphasis on fertility as the defining nature of a man or a woman, this idea is a highly likely probability.
Other theories could be that the young virgin girls joined itinerant performing groups - dancers,
singers and the like - and during their time with these groups they experienced their first sexual encounters. If a girl became
pregnant, she would probably leave the troupe to head home to her family with proof of her fertility. (Motherhood was venerated,
giving a woman a much higher status in society, so pregnancy was something to be proud of in ancient Egypt.)
These travelling groups of women were strongly linked with midwifery and childbirth-related
deities. The goddesses Isis, Nephthys, Meskhenet and Heqet disguised themselves as itinerant performers, travelling with the god Khnum as their porter. Carrying the sistrum and menat instruments - instruments with sexual
overtones - they showed it to Rawoser, the expectant father. Knowing that his wife, Raddjedet, was having a very difficult labour, he told these women - the disguised goddesses - about his
wife's troubles, and at their offer of help, he let them in to see her.
These women do not seem to be pay-for-sex prostitutes, instead they seem to be a link with the divine, a helper of expectant
mothers and singers, dancers and musicians. This is not to say that there were no pay-for-sex prostitutes in ancient Egypt,
it it just that there is little evidence of this found. Considering Egypt's very different image of sexuality, the modern
concept of both sexuality and prostitution do not fit this ancient society. Women operated under a totally different cultural
imperative than women today, thus ancient Egyptian sexuality must be looked at without modern prejudices. It seems that these
female performers, these 'prostitutes', were treated with courtesy and respect, and there seemed to be a well established
link between these travelling performers and fertility, childbirth, religion and magic.
The Egyptians had their own ways and means of getting around the fact that sex produced children.
They had both contraceptives and abortions, mostly these were prescriptions that were filled with unpleasant ingredients such
as crocodile dung. Here is one of the nicer ones:
Prescription to make a woman cease to become pregnant for one, two
or three years: Grind together finely a measure of acacia dates with some honey. Moisten seed-wool with the mixture and insert
it in the vagina.
-- Ebers Medical Papyrus
From the close family relationships in Egyptian mythology and the fact that Egyptians seemed
to have no taboo against incest, many have concluded that incest was rife in ancient Egypt.
There were probably some brother and sister marriages, but more likely than not, the siblings
in question would have been half-brothers and half-sisters. The problem arises from the limited Egyptian terms of kinship,
which are very confusing. A 'father' could refer to the actual father, the grandfather or male ancestors, while 'mother' could
be the same, but for the females of the family. 'Sister' could mean a lover, a wife, a mistress or concubine, niece or aunt!
The royal family, on the other hand, did have more incestuous marriages. The royal blood ran
through the females, not the males. To become pharaoh, a man had to marry a royal princess... which would be his sister or
The prevalence of brother-sister marriages within the New Kingdom
royal family, a custom in obvious contrast to contemporary non-royal marriage patters, appears to have been an attempt to
reinforce the links between the royal family and the gods who themselves frequently indulged in brother-sister unions.
Even the gods had sex in ancient Egypt. Ra (in the form of Atem) masturbated his children Shu and Tefnut into existence!
Atem is he who masturbated in Iunu (On, Heliopolis). He took his
phallus in his grasp that he might create orgasm by means of it, and so were born the twins Shu and Tefnut.
-- Pyramid Text 1248-49
Nut and Geb
Nut, the goddess of the night sky, and her brother Geb, the god of the earth, were originally thought to be in a constant state of love making. Ra grew
angry with his grandchildren, and commanded their father Shu to separate the two lovers. The god of the air took his place, and trampled on the ithyphallic
Geb, and lifted Nut high into the air. Nut was found to be pregnant, and was then cursed by Ra - she would never be able to bear her children
on any month of the 360 day year. Thoth managed to win a game against Khonsu, god of the moon, and used some of the light of the moon
to create five extra days (making the year 365 days). During those days Nut gave birth to her five children - Isis, Osiris, Nephthys, Set and Horus the Elder (not to be confused with Horus, the child of Isis and Osiris).
Nephthys and Osiris
Some tales of sex and the Egyptian gods is on the seamier side - one of the reasons given as to why Set and Osiris hate each other was because of Nephthys, Set's sister-wife. She was barren (she represented the desert, as did Set), and she hit on the plan of disguising herself as Isis and seducing Osiris. Getting Osiris drunk, Nephthys took Osiris to her bed, and the two had drunken sex together. Osiris dropped his garland of melilot
flowers in the act of passion. Set found the adulterous goddess and the flowers, and knowing who the flowers belonged to, he began
to plan Osiris' death. The child of this union was thought to be Anubis, god of mummification.
Now as the overflowings of the Nile are sometimes very great, and
extend to the boundaries of the land, this gave rise to the story of the secret intercourse between Osiris and Nephthys, as the natural consequence of so great an inundation would be the springing up of plants in those parts of the country which were formerly barren.
Isis and Osiris
After his first attempt, Set managed to kill Osiris again and cut up his body into numerous parts. These parts Set spread all over Egypt. Isis, Nephthys and Anubis searched Egypt, and managed to retrieve all of the pieces of the body, except one - Osiris' phallus.
Set had dropped the penis into the Nile (making it fertile), where it was eaten by a fish. The god
and goddesses pieced Osiris together and created the first mummy. Using her magic, Isis fashioned a replacement for Osiris' missing part, either out of clay, wood or gold, and attached
this to her dead husband's body. Through magical spells, life was breathed back into Osiris' body (though some dispute this and believe that Osiris was
dead at the time)... The goddess managed to share a time of passion with her husband who impregnating her with their child,
Horus. Osiris then passed into the afterlife, becoming god of the dead.
Horus and Set
Then Set said to Horus: "Come, let us have a feast day at my house." And Horus said to him: "I will, I
will." Now when evening had come, a bed was prepared for them, and they lay down together. At night, Set let his member become stuff, and he inserted it between the thighs of Horus. And Horus placed
his hand between his thighs and caught the semen of Set.
-- Story of Horus and Set
After Osiris' eventual death, while Horus was growing up and planning his own revenge, Set and Horus engaged in a homosexual relationship. In one part of the myth, Set proclaimed to Horus, "How lovely your backside is." Informing his mother Isis about his uncle's ardour, Horus is told to catch Set's semen rather than becoming impregnated by the murderer of his father. Set, in doing so, was planning on humiliating Horus by showing the gods that Horus would be filled
with someone else's semen.
Horus and Isis's next plan was to 'impregnate' Set with Horus' semen. His mother spreads powerful unguents on Horus' penis, after which he ejaculated
into a jar, and they spread it on some lettuce, a favourite aphrodisiac to the ancient Egyptians. Set then ate the semen-covered lettuce, and so Horus (rather than Set with his first 'attack') bacame sexually dominant over his uncle. Set then asked the gods to bring the semen forth from the 'impregnated' one, to humiliate Osiris'
son. The semen comes out of Set himself, and he becomes the laughing stock of the gods!
The Egyptian god if the Nile, Hapi, was a masculine deity, given female properties because of the fertility of the Nile river. Without
the Nile, there would be no Egypt. Due to the duality of Egyptian thought, there were two Hapi gods - one of Upper Egypt wearing the water lily (lotus) on his head, and one of Lower Egypt wearing papyrus. He was usually depicted as a blue or green
coloured man with a protuding belly, carrying libation jugs. He also has full breasts, indicating his ability to nourish Egypt.
Despite being a hermaphrodite god, both the northern and southern versions of Hapi were given wives - Nekhbet in Upper Egypt and Wadjet in Lower Egypt.
Lettuce was thought to be the favourite food of the fertility god, Min. He was depicted as a god with an erect penis, wearing a feathered crown and carrying a flail.
Lettuce was his sacred plant, and an aphrodisiac to the ancient Egyptians - this particular species of lettuce was tall, straight
and secreted a milky substance when pressed!
Another aphrodisiac was the onion. They were forbidden to the priests who had vowed celibacy,
for fear that their passion might take over, and that they might desecrate themselves!
Fennel, ginger, pomegranates, coriander in wine and radishes mixed with honey were thought
to have aphrodisiac qualities, too.
The water lily was also a symbol of sexuality, as well as immortality and health. It was possibly even a narcotic
that the Egyptians used, but it was more likely to be a sexual stimulant.
Some of the more unusual aphrodisiacs included pearls dissolved in a cup of wine, baboon faeces
added to aphrodisiac ointments!
The Turin Papyrus contains various pictures of sexual activity, perhaps focused on Ramses II and his many wives.
It has been theorised that, more likely, it is just the fantasies of an ancient Egyptian who happened to sketch them out on
papyrus, or an artwork poking fun at the sexual side of the Egyptian lifestyle. Most of the positions drawn on this papyrus
seem to be rather uncomfortable!
Another sexual sketch - this time graffiti - from ancient Egypt shows a woman with a pharaoh's
crown, maybe Hatshepsut (1473-1458 BC) engaging in sex with a male that many presume to be Senmut. This sketch has caused
many people to believe that Hatshepsut and her favourite courtier were lovers.
From various sources, it seems that the Egyptian preferred method of intercourse were face-to-face
or from behind.
References in writing to sexual intercourse between men are as rare
as those to sexual intercourse between men and women; the absence of references in writing to sexual intercourse between women
reflects the general male bias of the written record. Homosexual intercourse between a king and his general is implied in
the fragmentary 'Tale of Neferkara and Sasenet', in the description of secret nocturnal visits by the king to the general,
detected by the hero of the tale; although the tale is damaged, it reads as if the nocturnal visits are considered illicit.
-- Sexuality in ancient Egypt, Digital Egypt for Universities
After Life
The Egyptians thought of their afterlives as more of a continuation of life on earth (albeit a better life). This being the
case, the Egyptians believed in sex life after death!
Egyptian men had false penises attached to their mummies while Egyptian women had artificial nipples attached. Both would become fully functional in the afterlife, where they
were free to engage in sexual intercourse, if they so desired.
There were even fertility dolls in many graves - women with wide, child-bearing hips that were often carrying children in their arms. Other fertility
dolls, known as paddle dolls, don't have any legs, and their bodies end in very wide pubic area, with tiny heads and arms.
These dolls show that the Egyptians believed that fertility and sex were interlinked, though
the ancient Egyptians quite clearly enjoyed sex in its own right!
A special thanks goes to Daniel Kolos, an academic Egyptologist (MA in Ancient Egyptian Language and Literature, University of Toronto)
for suggestions and ideas about ancient Egyptian sexually active unmarried women and the roles they played in ancient Egyptian
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