by Daniel Winter
August 1999
from ImplosionGroup Website
So what are we missing here. On the
one hand we are being told by Gardner that the entire origin of our planet's major genepool was rooted almost entirely in this Gra-al
quest for the Gold (Powder)... Ormes/Manna/Spice/Shem-Manna/StarFire... Messeh/Messiah...
Gardner exquisitely explains
the origin of dozens of key words in religious myth, directly from their use in these Gold Powder cooking up operations.
While I realize that probably many
generations of old religious scholars will have to die off before many will take Gardner seriously, I for one am absolutely
intrigued and enjoy his scholarship. I agree with almost everything he says, particularly the radical material about Enlil
changing his name to Jehovah in order to make fools of the Rabbi's, and Akenaton changing his name to Moses
in order to be a better revolutionary and Gold Powder chef. For me, all of that material fits hundreds of other sources I
have been studying for 15 years, particularly Sitchin, Collier, Morningsky, etc.. Again I HIGHLY recommend everyone read Lawrence Gardner, to see the tomfoolery that has passed for religion on this planet. The Sumerian tablets make the Bible look like a childish, disjointed and parochial
BUT, after digesting much of his work, IT IS CRITICAL that you don't swallow (literally)
ALL the spin doctoring PR from a Draco like Gardner (and I don't speak of him as a Draco disrespectfully). It is the
parts of the story which Gardner CAREFULLY AVOIDS which make his work dangerous.
Gardner gets it right that Ea/An's
2 sons, Enki versus Enlil were very divided on how much psychokinesis to allow their Clones on this planet. I don't think
Gardner understands that the very word NIBURU meant experiment in blood line cross from human to reptilian. An from
Sirius who sired Enki/Enlil was a humanoid cross with Reptilian/Dragon himself. His sons brought that 'war of the brothers'
to Earth... to Cain and Abel and to East of Eden (where I was born). Also, there was a certain large expense to be offset
in the capitalization of the costs of such a large artificial gene-spicing planetoid Niburu and it's Hiburu staff.
Obviously, if you make Clones (Adam & Eve) in order to mine
the immortality Gold Powder, you don't train the slaves to eat your profits. (See how Gilgamesh gets angry at the Anunnaki
for not sharing their seeming immortality - bardo wormhole... 'Incunabula' at http/www.earthportals.com/Earthportals/Portal_Messenger/winter.html)
This could explain some of the angry Yalweh/Enlil profit monkering over his Gold mining
operations. (And his later return to claim his turf... Draco's shape shift out the Secretary of the Navy after Dulce war's
etc... Reptoids Interfere with study of Federal Underground: http://www.cbjd.net/orbit/text/tal.html , http://www.reptoids.com , unless a certain critical mass of us WERE TO CHOOSE TO STOP BECOMING BORGS. When you tell most
people our governments are being parasitized wholesale by the borg Draco Orionist ...they say I don't want to know.. (Collier, Branton, Bill Cooper, Phil Schneider FIREFIGHT at Dulce - Schneider built Rand's deep underground military - Michael Ash...
The most detailed and in depth Underground Base & Dulce & Reptoid by "Branton".
But there is another important angle.
If we are to believe Rakie's
"Golden Ones" story (origins), those same Orion group, Enlil types which Gardner makes hero's as Draco(n)'s (Mag becomes MAGdalen)
came back here to recover SOMETHING EVEN MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOLD. This was the ability to craft DNA which could be ensouled,
and time travel. This required something akin TO THE FIRE OF STARS, in the Genes!!
(They came back here because the
skill to keep GENES squirting faster than light into time, was lost for the WHOLE GALACTIC SECTOR the day THIS PLANET STARTED
CLONING AND GENETIC ENGINEERING) Please see how genetic engineering by breaking up the long wave braid patterns in DNA literally
prevents the faster than light wave cascades up it's central zipper (ensoulment) at soulinvitation/food.
So if we have learned anything, IT IS THAT THIS GOLD POWDER MINING FAIRY TALE is literally
just the smoke screen cover story for the real VALUABLE COMMODITY OF THIS GALAXIES TRADING HOUSES. The PRIZE is now and has
always been HOW TO GET DNA & GENE'S WHICH COULD LITERALLY ENTER INTO STARS! (For which the Gold atom was merely a little
detonating trigger, when in the context of glands which could TAKE OVER THE STEERING THRU LIGHT SPEED...)
Now we have
discussed elsewhere, that this skill to get DNA braided so that it's field effects EMBED implode themselves into anything
outside them. And that this skill to get the structure of DNA aligned into this perfect self-containment, apparently emminates
from the Heart. It's simple a sonic pony tail from a coherently ecstatic heart, does the braiding of your DNA which lines
up the short waves (codon sequences) to the long waves (long sonic envelopes in DNA's braid). This then allows the slinky
wave mechanics to add and multiply recursively up and down the ladder, accounting for the wave velocities eventually heterodyning
or simple beating thru lightspeed. Faster than light implosion lightning at the center of DNA is measurable (William Pensinger)
(same for gold filaments under hi amps!). For the physics of how this properly heart induced implosion accounts for the gravitation
we call black holes etc. (the solution to Einstein's quandary to model the geometry of inPHIkni implosion to understand why
black holes bend time).
SO IN SUMMARY this gland induced but GENETIC ability to embed your DNA fields and therefore
YOUR FIELD OF AWARENESS, into ANY FIELD OUTSIDE YOU, eventually leads to creating centering and gravity force, which bends
light, and thus is creation as a wave mechanic. (STARFIRE for real). The purpose of this conversation is to put those clues
together with the Gold Powder controversy to get some perspective on how best indeed to stir up the brain/heart juices
into a STAR fire which is SUSTAINABLE and SELF-steering as a wave / worm.
So the real question has become WHAT IS
Now we all can remember the rush of added spin the moment we
really feel compassion for some great genetic event. Like yesterday I was watching the Turkish Earthquake victims on CNN,
and there was a certain moment when I really FELT the anguish of such a huge part of our collective genepool. And at that
moment I felt a definite rush of fire and tingling in my blood. I was absorbing spin. I was eating memory into embedding...
electrically. Probably in some glandular way you could say, the trigger field effect which got me into that DNA speed-up by
spin embedding, WAS TRIGGERED IN MY HEART... feeling....
The trick here is to differentiate between what is the role
of DNA speed-up from things like Gold powder and other silver bullets, versus DNA lightning by actual self generated
Glandular events of ELECTRICALLY eco-shifting magnitude.
In this difference, appears to lie, the key to Millennia
of evolutionary squabble and agony, going right across the galaxy, in which squabble our little planet is merely a novel skirmish.
give Gardner a little credit he at least notices that dead Gland juices (Melatonin/Seratonin) from Pineal/Pituitary, are bad.
He continues sadly to wax absolutely poetic however about the Gold and Platinum prepared powders, somehow implying
that these indeed are THE SOLE NECESSARY SOLUTIONS TO IMMORTALITY. All the while he blissfully ignores, that overuse of these
powders is clearly very much the reason his Anunnaki Draco heroes had to come here and rape our genepool in the first place. THEY HAD BECOME GLANDULARLY
JUICELESS (literally heartless - Draco's heart's split in 2... they have 2... see Branton & Schneider talk about
This is the minor detail which costs those borgs their souls.
us look practically at the results of gold powder consumption. Ears ring, immune system rebounds, biological immortality
seems assured. Who could knock the stuff, heck we are only dollars away...
Doesn't this seem a little unlikely given
our knowledge of biological evolution. Any time life force becomes repeatedly more sustainable as a wave, some actual self
generated WILL seems to be involved. If all it took to get DNA up to speed enough to enter into stars was enough gold
powder in the diet, don't you think this little galactic squabble would have been over long before Enki and Enlil had to change
their names to Adoni and Yahweh in order to better enslave their clones. There is a little deeper plot here
Mr Gardner you Draco spin doctor.
Let us leave the revolutionary
history out of fairy tales squabble here for a moment and focus on the simple plumbing mechanics which makes ecstasy and therefore
LIGHTNING (STARFIRE) IN THE DNA ... and sustainable gold powder possible.
The heart's sound waves FEELING compassion,
wonder... generate a phi harmonic series, which snake charms the spine pump to get the hi UV out of the sex organs into the
pineal/pituitary. (soulinvitation/kundalini, soulinvitation/isthisrecursion)
Now if we were to look at the geometry of the pineal gland around which the residual
gold powder is deposited during proper ecstasy:
(pineal on right)

We begin to worm in to the true principle:
(which WAS triggered by this
same ratio in the HeartLinked EKG)

We see that the map to the TRUE electrical
geometry of what makes GOLD POWDER monoatomically stable. Basically of course the electron symmetry into perfect PHI based embedding is the same in the
GOLD atom as it is in the Pineal... when phi-ray'd by the Heart.
Even the brain liquid ventricles reshape themselves
into this exact same perfect Ram's horn, (to sonically focus the spine juice pump waves onto the pineal pituitary as the 'softening'
trigger) when the plumbing is pressured up from the Blue Dish enough to make you HORNY.
So is this the storal to our
mory about needing to use the Heart to get there instead of the Gold Powder? But why then did they all agree it 'takes gold
to make gold'?
And even Thoth agreed with the Egyptians that there were some psychological/spiritual
exercises which would avoid the fractionation of the personality when eating Gold Powder.
Here is the clue: the CHEM in alchemy, literally
means from the BLACKNESS. (CHet in Hebrew: from the depths). From the Black hole.. comes inertia thru light-speed. The only
harmonics to grab wave fronts going in and out of light speed (black hole) ARE the perfect heterodyning/beating which GOLDEN
RATIO permits. This then is literally THE ONLY STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN WHICH EVER EXISTED. It is a discipline of geometry. AND
IT DOES HAVE A PSYCHOLOGICAL requirement unequivocally required.
all simply names for field effects which become holographically phase disciplined enough to become sustainable. The
produced by this all-chemistry of PHI implosion. (As we have proved in the Heart Biofeedback spectrum analysis showing -not
octave but- PHI spacing BETWEEN harmonics at the moment of wonder/openness/compassion.)
So to engage this dynamic of
fields converging implosively - that is LITERALLY THE SOLUTION TO NUCLEAR FUSION.. (Sun- heart making) is BOTH:
-create the physics of PHI harmonics (alphabetic
elements of the heart..symmetry.. sepher yetsira)
-create the EMOTION of ONLY WHAT IS PERFECTLY SHAREABLE..distributable
as a wave..(zoom in forever to the 2 PHI spirals on your 4 year old's valentine card)
So the personality fractionates
when the gold powder solubility implosion sucks too many radio stations into your DNA (ear ringing piezoelectric braid).
Without the WILL to sort memories, DEATH IS ALWAYS THE ONLY SOLUTION. Yet if the activity of sorting ALL memories to leave
If the
DNA implosion was CAUSED BY GOLD POWDER instead of A HEART OF GOLD... THEN the genes merely join themselves
into this long vampire chain called BORG .. the low end of DRACO (who eat human glands for the thrill juice they can't make).
THIS IS WHAT SET THE STAGE FOR THE ANUNNAKI/dragon heroes of Gardner to 'breed Earth's royal families like we do show
dogs'. For them for whom it is a privilege to be assimilated, genepools are like 'natural resources', if you planted
the forest, you ought to be allowed to cut it down.
And yet you could use a bit of the seed of the pure principle of
what Gold IS, to wrap your heart around the proper feeling symmetry. A good clue for this state is if you can reap the healing
from your homeopathic remedy by simply holding and feeling the bottle.
To EAT THE PURE PRINCIPLE of Alchemy here, is
to FEEL THE GOLD as the language of SHAPE which GUIDES ALL WAVES TO CENTER IN PERFECT SHARING. This was the Heart of
the Matter. The philosopher's stone could only radiate the actual seed of perfect electrical implosion (thru the thin film
mercury whose atomic weight was right, only it's valence needed to embed), literally only in the presence of the pure electrical
INTENTION field of the HEART!
The EYE OF THE SUN is opening SO CLOSELY to us right now, demanding we enter or die. This brings the EYE of the
storm near to land tonight, Galvanizing us to make a centering force in a widening gyre.
The time could not be riper
to reshape ourselves into what is nestable, in DNA, Heart, and EarthGrid. The principle was a HEART of Gold... Gold Powder
is a throwback to a fractionated form without that.