In the approaching cosmic-spiritual
Summer, the epoch of the New Golden Age, the southern Universal Gate of the Holy City will be opened widely for humankind
to return to the Kingdom of God. As a celestial image emerging from this Universal Gate, we could choose Zventa Sventana –
the vision of the great Russian mystic D.Andreev.
Zventa Sventana is a Divine monad,
born of God,
who will express the eternal femininity.
She is the Bride of the Planetary Logos, Christ,
and came from
the cosmic-spiritual heights down to the celestial
realms above the Earth some one hundred and fifty years ago.
will be incarnated in one of the celestial cultures of humankind
and this metahistorical event will result in the initiation
the Rose of the World.
According to D. Andreev, Zventa
Sventana (which means the Holiest of the Holy) is going to be 'incarnated' in the Russian celestial culture. As a result of
this great metahistorical event, the Russian people will be given the mission of the Rose of the World which inaugurates the
New World Religion. We could summarise that Zventa Sventana, as the manifestation of the universal feminine principle, will
influence all levels of Being – from the reality of the soul within every human being, through the reality of the National
Soul of each nation, to the reality of the Universal Soul. The activated soul-reality on all levels will enter into Divine
marriage with the universal masculine principle on the corresponding level – that is, with the Divine Spirit within
the human being, with the National Spirit-Guide (leading the destiny of the nation), and with the Universal Spirit. This Divine
marriage will open the gates of the Kingdom of God and will introduce us to the epoch of the New Golden Age (the epoch of
the epoch of the approaching
cosmic-spiritual Summer, the epoch of the Holy Spirit). MAY 4 -2008
So, we could link
and meditate on the celestial image of Zventa Sventana who holds the exquisite Rose of the World in her hand and is ready
to become the Bride of the Planetary Logos – the Cosmic Christ.