JAN 29, 2007
The beautiful
Divine Rainbow maps our ascent through the whole three-fold vertical structure of the Universe up to the Throne of God and
our descent back to the reality of the
New Heaven and the New Earth.
The Divine Rainbow Path could be seen as a great arc consisting of nine segments. Each one
of them is a big Step on the Path of the Divine Rainbow and covers a very large field of spiritual work under the guidance
and blessing of Christ-Maitreya and the Divine Mother. So, as Buddha announced the Eight-Fold Path, now
we can speak of the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path of Christ-Maitreya and the Divine Mother.
The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path emphasises
the diversity in unity and pursues the initiations of all world religions as one of its main aims. It places special emphasis
on the harmony between the process of ascending to the Kingdom of God and the process of descending to bring this celestial
reality down on Earth. At the climax of the Rainbow Path is the Divine union between the universal masculine principle personified
by Christ-Maitreya and the universal feminine principle manifested by the Divine Mother. This places the balance between these
two universal principles at the foundation of the spiritual work.
The whole journey on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path
can be compared with a climbing expedition to the Himalayas. The three-fold vertical structure of the Universe with its supramundane
worlds and shining summits of initiation (that is, the states of consciousness reaching the highest Divine world symbolised
by the Sacred Mountain) could be compared with the spiritual Himalayas. We have to climb these spiritual Himalayas
– i.e. to ascend through the whole vertical structure of the Universe to the top of the Sacred Mountain – in order
to reach 'the other side' and to enter into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. So, in a similar way as the climbers
carefully prepare themselves for an expedition, then embark on the journey, build many camps before reaching the summit and
after the conquest come back full of amazing experiences, the participants in the spiritual journey on the Nine Fold Rainbow
Path have to prepare themselves thoroughly, make their Exodus from the restricted earthly consciousness, start the spiritual
climbing Step by Step on the Path and after reaching the climax of the Divine Rainbow enter into the New Reality.
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E. KENNEDY________________________
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Micah 2:12-13 &
Revelation 12
An essay by Gavin Finley MD - Aug. 2006
THE FLIGHT TO BOZRAH AND THE BOZRAH EXILE The Apostle John in the Book of Revelation tells us that in the
latter days God's covenant people, the woman of Revelation 12, will be given the wings of a great eagle and she will fly off
to a place of exile for three and a half years. RELATED ARTICLES The Woman of Revelation 12
The Bozrah Deliverance
The Godless Edomites in the End-Time Drama
The Exile in Bozrah
And Who Shall Wear The Starry
Here is our scripture passage.
REVELATION 12 1. Now a great sign appeared in
heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2.
Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.
3. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold,
a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4. His tail drew a third
of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth,
to devour her Child as soon as it was born.
5. She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron.
And her Child was caught up to God and His throne.
Now we come to the two scripture verses which form the crux
of this article. It concerns the flight of the woman and the time period in which she is fed or nurtured. She will
almost certainly be flying off to some remote place. It must be well separated and isolated from the main flows of international
politics. In this place this woman of mystery is "fed" or "nurtured". We must assume this is nurturing in a spiritual
as well as a physical sense. 6. Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that
they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days. The very same message is restated 8 verses later.
But this time the Holy Spirit gives it to us in terms of different time units. 14. But the woman was given two wings
of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times
and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. 15. So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after
the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. 16. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth
opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17. And the dragon was enraged
with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have
the testimony of Jesus Christ.
So here we have the great end time drama. An epic persecution is being instigated
by Satan. And the covenant people of God are entering into Great Tribulation.
But wonder of wonders! What
do we see? The woman is given the wings of a great eagle. And she is flying away to "her place". Where is she
going? And just what is going on here?
As usual, the Holy Scripture provides the best commentary. The prophet Micah in Mic. 2:12-13 sheds some light on some
of 'the rest of the story'. Micah 2 King James Version 12. I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will
surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, As the flock in the midst of
their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men. GOD WILL GATHER THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL.
Here in Micah 2:12 we see an epic gathering of God's covenant people. The reference given here in the Old Testament
is 'Jacob'. Micah refers to them as the 'remnant of Israel'. This reference to a 'remnant' clearly relates to God's
covenant people after the refining. From other scripture we know that this refining occurs at the end of the age. Does
it relate to the travail of the woman of destiny? The prophet Isaiah brings us this message. Isaiah 48:10 "Behold
I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." The word "remnant" is
a very helpful key here. It relates to God's Elect at the end of the age. A quick word search through the scriptures
will soon make this clear. A remnant shall return" Isaiah says. (Isa.10:21-22) In Micah 5 we see God has given His
people Israel up; that is until an event of great significance. What is this it? And does it relate to the flight
of the woman we see in Revelation 12? It most definitely does. THE TRAVAIL OF THE WOMAN A REMNANT SHALL RETURN.
AND ISRAEL WILL BE RESTORED Here below in this Old Testament scripture we see the same woman of Israel John saw in
Revelation 12. A great drama precedes the return of the remnant. This is a time of great travail. It is the Great Tribulation.
Moses spoke of this tribulation. See this article. And Jesus Himself prophesied that His covenant people would reject
Him and would enter into a covenant with a false messiah. (John 5:43) He also spoke of a time of travail and great tribulation.
We see this laid out very clearly in Matthew 24, the Olivet Discouse. The travail of 'the woman' was seen by John. The
prophet Micah also speaks of a great travail. Micah 5:3 gives specific mention of the 'travail' of the woman.
5:3 "Therefore He will give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth. Then the remnant
of His brethren shall return unto the children of Israel." This the travail clearly must precede and lead on to the deliverance
and the glorification of the Man Child. The travail of God's covenant people we see in the 5th seal is not in vain. It
leads on to the 6th seal and the return of Messiah. This results in the end time restoration of all of Israel. Micah also
tells of the glorious return of the remnant at the climax of the age. In this same passage Micah tells the story of the
casting away of Israel. He also saw the travail of 'the woman' of Israel in the latter days. Then he saw the climactic
deliverance of the woman as the Man-child is born. With this final magnificent restoration of all Israel a remnant returns.
Micah 5:3 "Therefore He will give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth. Then
the remnant of His brethren shall return unto the children of Israel." So it will be a remnant that will return. (Isa.
10:21-22) This is God dealing with the Congregation of 'Israel'. God will regather all His people. There will
come a great refinement involving all of Jacob/Israel with the wider Congregation/Church of God. And a remnant will return
at the end of the age. What a magnificent story this is! I WILL GATHER ALL OF YOU, O JACOB! Our next big clue
is in Micah 2:12. God says He will gather 'all' of 'Jacob'. God makes a big point of saying He will gather 'all' of
Jacob. What is the Holy Spirit telling us here? Jacob is a name for God's called out people. The Bible uses 'Jacob'
in devotional and prophetic sense. This name is a handle for God's Covenant Congregation in their unrefined condition. In
Bible symbology "Jacob" is the name they go by in their early pilgrimage. But at the end of their sojournings the company
of 'Jacob'(trickster, supplanter, heel), has truly become "Israel", (prince with God).
A PICTURE OF THE COVENANT PEOPLE OF GOD How might 'the woman' of Revelation 12 be pictured elsewhere in scripture?
We have seen connection to 'Jacob'. 'Jacob' is a name or 'handle' for the covenant people of God. How about 'the
woman'? Is 'the woman' another Bible name for the covenant people of God? It certainly is!
In Genesis 3:15
we see reference to 'the woman' as the bearer of the Seed. The Seed of 'the woman' is the coming Messiah. And it is the Seed
of the woman who will crush the head of the Serpent.
The Seed of the woman is certainly Jesus Christ, the Head. Jesus
Christ is also the Seed of Abraham. The Seed of the Woman, the Seed of Abraham, relates to Christ our Head. Does the
Seed of the Woman, Seed of Abraham, have anything to do with us in the Body of Christ? It certainly does. Our Apostle
Paul tells us,
Galatians 3:29 "If you are in Christ then you too are Abraham's Seed and heirs according to
the promise (given to Abraham)."
"The promise" refers to the promise of the Land of Israel. It also refers to
the promise of a miriad company of descendents, A huge multitide, a "melo-hagoyim" that cannot be counted for numbers.
So here in Revelation 12 we see the Woman, her Seed, and the dragon once again. The drama between the woman and the serpent
we saw back in the Garden of Eden. It has now come full circle. 'The woman' of destiny is now in the end time. She is in travail
and in great tribulation.
The Woman of wonder we see in Revelation 12 must be restored Israel. Because she has a diadem,
a crown of 12 stars. When John saw her she was in great travail. And yet she is dazzling, clothed with the sun in the brightness
of her Heavenly Father. The moon and her own reflected light are no longer dominant. The moon is beneath her feet.
the Song of Songs we get another glimpse of this woman of great wonder. It is the grand conclusion of the story and the end
of the song. The daughters of Jerusalem, in all their worldliness, can only gaze on her with wonder. They ask,
OF SONGS 6 10. "Who is she who arises as the dawn, from the womb of the morning, fair and beautiful as the moon, clear
and bright, dazzling as the sun, as awesome and as terrible as an army with banners!?" THE REFERENCES TO 'BOZRAH'
AT THE END OF THE AGE. STILL AN UNTOLD STORY. It is in this end time context that we see the flight of the woman of
Revelation 12. She is obviously flying off to a place of mystery that has some prominence in the end time. Is there
a place mentioned elsewhere in Holy Scripture that may provide a cross reference? Indeed there is. It is a place the
Bible identifies as 'Bozrah'. We know from the context of the Bozrah scriptures in Micah and in Isaiah 63 that Bozrah
is a place of exile for God's people in the latter days. It is also a place of an awesome climactic deliverance at the end
of the age. Because Messiah returns in wrath to Bozrah. He is coming to destroy the wicked. And he is returning to break out
His people from some sort of enclosure at Bozrah. It will be at Bozrah that Messiah will come to rescue His saints, described
as the sheep of Bozrah, at the magnificent 'Bozrah Deliverance'. Here is our scripture from Mic. 12:12-13.
Micah 2
King James Version 12. I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I
will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, As the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise
by reason of the multitude of men. Here in Micah 2:12 God's people 'Jacob' are being gathered. They are being
gathered at a place called 'Bozrah'. And from the other Bozrah scripture in Isaiah 63 there can be no doubt. The Bozrah
scriptures relate to the end time. God's covenant people have taken flight. And they have landed at a place referred
to in scripture as 'Bozrah'. So much for the gathering. What happens at the end of the Bozrah story?
The answer
is awesome beyond words to tell. We see Messiah coming to His fold in the early dawn. He is a fearsome Presence as
He strides in. As the Shepherd of Israel He is right in among His people. He comes to make a Way through the wall
of the sheepfold. His sheep are pressing in around Him with great pressure. But He is 'The Breaker'. And as the dawn
breaks the breakthrough comes. The Shepherd of Israel becomes the Door of the sheepfold. And then He is leading His
sheep out to pasture.
13. The Breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through
the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the LORD on the head of them. -
Mic. 2:12-13 KJV God expects us to study the Holy Scriptures and connect the dots. (2Tim.2:15 & 3:16) The deliverance
of the remnant of God's people out at Bozrah presupposes an exile in Bozrah. And the Revelation 12 scripture prophesies a
flight to a place of safety for God's people at the end of the age. So are Revelation 12 and the flight and exil of the woman
and the gathering of God's people at Bozrah connected? I believe that we are bound to say that they are connected. They are
two perspectives of the same end time story. God is taking care of His covenant people right up there at the end of the age.
So here our Apostle John is bringing us "the rest of the story". Here we have a wonderful promise showing God's great
mercy and deliverance. The flight of the woman of Revelation 12 completes the story of the end time exile at Bozrah. Because
Bozrah is surely the destination of the woman of destiny in this epic saga prophesied for the end of this age.
passage in Revelation 12 is stark and plain. God's covenant people will fly off to a place of safety, feeding, or nurturing,
in the latter days. We are clearly and concisely told that they will be sheltered and fed, (or nurtured), during a certain
time period. That time period happens to be the very same time period of the Great Tribulation. (Dan.12:7) It coincides exactly
with the reign of the Antichrist. (Rev.13:5). It is also the precise time period John gives for the trampling of Jerusalem.
(Rev.11:2) This is the latter half of the 70th Week of Daniel. We are talking here about the final three and a half years
of this age. Here are the details. The time period during which the woman is nurtured is given in two ways. In Revelation
12:6 we are told that the covenant people of God are fed or nurtured for 1260 days. In Revelation 12:14 we get the very same
information. But here in this verse the message is restated in terms of different time units. The time period for the exile
of the woman is given in verse 14 as a "time, times, and half a time", or a period of three and a half biblical years.
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