In our time the glorification of
the Divine Feminine is of crucial importance. In order to survive and undergo our spiritual rebirth, we have to receive a
whole New Gospel from the Divine Mother. In fact, the event of the Second Coming of the Divine Masters and the coming New
Gospel from the Divine Mother are two aspects of one and the same mystery - the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth
coming into existence from God the Absolute, the Source of Life.
The New Gospel of the Divine Mother
is to help us to bring the Kingdom of God down on Earth and to build life on all levels of Being as a Divine Temple. Emerging
from the Source of Life, i.e. the cosmic-spiritual Sun which never sets, the Divine Mother creates life in all realms of the
vertical structure of the Universe as a Divine Temple – from the reality of the Holy City, through the various celestial
worlds, to the life of humankind on Earth. On Earth she transforms and illuminates the Earth itself, human culture, society,
the family, and the life of the individual human being.
On a planetary level the Divine
Mother will fill the Four Elements with the vibrations of the Holy Spirit. She will purify, spiritualise and illuminate the
whole Earth making it like a 'bride' for the Sun. The etheric layer around the Earth will become a space for the fusion between
the celestial Jerusalem and the illuminated Earth. Figuratively speaking, a
magnificent etheric Temple will be built upon the whole planet with a gigantic cosmic-spiritual Cross of Light at the centre
of the Temple. In this transfigured Earth-Temple all kingdoms of life will be present in Divine Harmony, Wisdom and Truth.
The Divine Feminine archetype is
also related to the process of purification, transformation and illumination of matter. By its very essence, this archetype
is the printing and the implementation of spiritual ideas in the material world. The Divine Mother will permeate every structure
of human life on Earth with the vibrations of Holy Spirit. When we speak about the descent of the Kingdom of God on Earth,
it is the universal principle of the Divine Feminine which accomplishes this celestial task.
In the end we have to build our
individual life as a Temple as well. When we pass the first and second resurrection helped by the Cosmic Christ within, we
build ourselves (all our seven bodies) as a Divine Temple. At the same time, we have to build our life in relation to the
family, society, Nature and the Earth as a Divine Temple too. This means that we have to respect the holiness and sacredness
of life everywhere, to work for the purification and illumination of the Earth and to develop harmonious and friendly relationships
with the people in all areas of our lives. Only then could we pass successfully through all stages of life, from childhood
to old age, and build it as a Temple, thus fulfilling the purpose of our incarnation on Earth. For this development of our
relationships, the Divine Mother takes constant care with great love, support, tenderness, compassion and provides us with
everything we need for our spiritual growth. The Divine Mother, conveying the new creative impulse from the Living God, will
help us to transform even our daily life and to build it as a Divine Temple.
The appreciation of life in all
levels of Creation as a Divine Temple requires devoted prayers, deep meditation and holy communion with the Divine Mother.
Here again we could have many different types of prayer, meditation, holy communion enabling us to enter into her Divine Temple
of life. Only through holy communion with the Divine Mother will we appreciate the Earth as our celestial house where we could
live in the presence of our Divine Father-Mother forever. Thus the mystery of the Father's house with its many mansions and
the mystery of the Earth as our Celestial Mother's House become simply two sides of the same mystery – that of the return
to the Kingdom of God and bringing this celestial reality down on Earth.
Each one of the celestial
manifestations of the Divine Feminine - Virgin Mary, Mataji, Kuan Yin, the New Eve, Zventa Sventana and others – has
her position on the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem , her own universal characteristics, posture, colours, clothes and adornments
with special symbolic meaning. These are closely related to and complement the mythological characteristics of her masculine
counterpart. Here, however, it is interesting to note that while the male manifestations of the Divine Spirit are Personification(Krishna
and his incarnation in our century - Babaji), Realisation (Buddha), Incarnation(Jesus Christ), World Teacherhood(the Master
Peter Deunov), Emanation (the Holy Spirit ), the female manifestations take the form of family archetypes – those of
Sister (Mataji - the sister of Babaji), Daughter (Kuan Yin and the New Eve), Mother (Virgin Mary),Bride (Zventa Sventana)
and others. This is the way in which the feminine manifestations reflect the union between the masculine and the feminine
universal principles and reveal the Divine wholeness of Being. As a whole, the
Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, which we presented above, includes both manifestations of the Divine Spirit, the masculine
and the feminine, in absolute harmony and unity.

Through the centuries the image
of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been shining brighter and brighter and now she is even considered as a co-redeemer with Christ.
In the Litany of the Blessed Virgin there are fifty beautiful characteristics of Our Lady which are not only a sign of praise,
love and devotion, but have deep cosmological significance as well. Let us quote some of them: Mirror of Justice, Seat of
Wisdom, Cause of our Joy, Spiritual Vessel, Mystical Rose, Tower of David, Tower of Ivory, House of Gold, Ark of the Covenant,
Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Queen of Angels, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Queen
of Peace.
Truly, Our Lady personifies the
universal characteristics and the celestial virtues of the Divine Mother. If Jesus Christ was an incarnation of Divinity into
flesh, we can imagine the extraordinary mission of Our Lady as a manifestation of the Divine Mother giving birth to God the
For centuries the mystery
of God the Son has been the subject of inspired reflections, contemplation and revelations, but now the time is coming to
appreciate more and more the mystery of Our Lady giving birth to Jesus Christ and manifesting the cosmological significance
of the Divine Mother. In a similar way as Jesus Christ has a very
special function in the incarnation of God the Son as a human being, Our Lady has to be appreciated as a manifestation of
the Divine Mother, co-creating with God the Son.

Through the centuries the image of the Blessed
Virgin Mary has been shining brighter and brighter and now she is even considered as a co-redeemer with Christ. In
the Litany of the Blessed Virgin there are fifty beautiful characteristics of Our Lady which are not only a sign of praise,
love and devotion, but have deep cosmological significance as well. Let us quote some of them: Mirror of Justice, Seat
of Wisdom, Cause of our Joy, Spiritual Vessel, Mystical Rose, Tower of David, Tower of Ivory, House of Gold, Ark of the Covenant,
Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Queen of Angels, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Queen
of Peace.
Truly, Our Lady personifies the universal
characteristics and the celestial virtues of the Divine Mother. If Jesus Christ was an incarnation of Divinity into flesh,
we can imagine the extraordinary mission of Our Lady as a manifestation of the Divine Mother giving birth to God the Son.
For centuries the mystery of God the
Son has been the subject of inspired reflections, contemplation and revelations, but now the time is coming to appreciate
more and more the mystery of Our Lady giving birth to Jesus Christ and manifesting the cosmological significance of the Divine
Mother. In a similar way as Jesus Christ has a very special function
in the incarnation of God the Son as a human being, Our Lady has to be appreciated as a manifestation of the Divine Mother,
co-creating with God the Son.
As a messenger of the new cosmic-spiritual
Spring, the Master Beinsa Douno emanates from the Eastern Universal Gate of the Holy City. One of the key ideas in his Teaching
is the coming of the New Eve, a collective personification of the Divine feminine principle, who will transform the whole
earthly life of humankind. Brothers and sisters from the Universal Brotherhood in Bulgaria had visions of the Master sending
off into the world a most beautiful young woman, the New Eve, in shining white clothes and adorned with a garland of flowers.
We could consider her as a spiritual daughter of the Master, who personifies the celestial qualities and virtues of the coming
New Eve.
The deep esoteric meaning of the
prophecy of the coming New Eve is that the transformed feminine energy will raise the vibrations on all levels of human life
on Earth. In the past the archetypal feminine energies were associated with the life-supporting material earthly consciousness,
as opposed to the celestial states of consciousness, and with the Moon-light reflecting the Sun-light. This is why Eve was
the one who gave Adam the apple from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which signified the descent into the world
of polarities and the material earthly state of consciousness.
Now, with the coming cosmic-spiritual
Spring, the whole earthly life has to be transformed, spiritualised and illuminated. The keys to this process lie in the archetype
of the feminine energy which has to be activated in order to penetrate, with the vibrations of the Holy Spirit, into the smallest
details of our daily life on Earth. The characteristics of the feminine archetype, such as giving and sustaining life on earth,
mother care and unconditional love, help and support, beauty and tenderness, organic relationship with Nature and the Earth,
implementation of the spiritual ideas in the material world and others, are the main qualities which will help contemporary
humankind to ascend to the higher levels of Being. In the epoch of the cosmic-spiritual Spring the spiritual blossoming of
the human soul becomes the most essential, crucial process. This is why the Master predicted that the archetypal feminine
energies, manifested by the New Eve, will save the world.
So, by meditating on the New
Eve emerging from the Eastern Gate of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Gate of the cosmic-spiritual Spring, we could
contemplate the great renewal of the earthly life through the Divine Feminine and the return of humankind to the Garden of
Paradise. Therefore, if Eve from the Bible instigated the Fall,
now the New Eve will initiate the return of humankind to the Kingdom of God.
In the approaching cosmic-spiritual
Summer, the epoch of the New Golden Age, the southern Universal Gate of the Holy City will be opened widely for humankind
to return to the Kingdom of God. As a celestial image emerging from this Universal Gate, we could choose Zventa Sventana –
the vision of the great Russian mystic D.Andreev.
Zventa Sventana is a Divine monad,
born of God, who will express the eternal femininity. She is the Bride of the Planetary Logos, Christ, and came from
the cosmic-spiritual heights down to the celestial realms above the Earth some one hundred and fifty years ago. She
will be incarnated in one of the celestial cultures of humankind and this metahistorical event will result in the initiation of
the Rose of the World.
According to D. Andreev, Zventa
Sventana (which means the Holiest of the Holy) is going to be 'incarnated' in the Russian celestial culture. As a result of
this great metahistorical event, the Russian people will be given the mission of the Rose of the World which inaugurates the
New World Religion. We could summarise that Zventa Sventana, as the manifestation of the universal feminine principle, will
influence all levels of Being – from the reality of the soul within every human being, through the reality of the National
Soul of each nation, to the reality of the Universal Soul. The activated soul-reality on all levels will enter into Divine
marriage with the universal masculine principle on the corresponding level – that is, with the Divine Spirit within
the human being, with the National Spirit-Guide (leading the destiny of the nation), and with the Universal Spirit. This Divine
marriage will open the gates of the Kingdom of God and will introduce us to the epoch of the New Golden Age (the epoch of
the epoch of the approaching
cosmic-spiritual Summer, the epoch of the Holy Spirit). MAY 4 -2008
So, we could link
and meditate on the celestial image of Zventa Sventana who holds the exquisite Rose of the World in her hand and is ready
to become the Bride of the Planetary Logos – the Cosmic Christ.
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